Step 1: Set up Git on your local machine:
--> git config --global "Your Name"
--> git config --global ""
Step 2: Create a new project:
--> mkdir my_project
--> cd my_project
Step 3: Initialize a Git repository:
--> git init
Step 4: Add and commit your project files:
--> git add .
--> git commit -m "Initial commit"
Step 5: Create a new repository on the Git hosting service:
Step 6: Link your local repository to the remote repository:
--> git remote add origin <repository_url>
--> git branch -M main
Step 7: Push your project to the remote repository:
--> git push -u origin main
Step 1: file that we want to push
--> git add filename
Step 2: commit the file
--> git commit -m "Initial commit"
Step 3: push the individual files
--> git push -u origin main
Case 1: staged changes
--> git reset filename
--> git reset
Case 2: commited changes(for one commit)
--> git reset HEAD~1
Case 3: commited changes(for many commits)
--> git reset commit hash
--> git reset --hard commit hash