Welcome to Natours, your go-to destination for an unforgettable travel experience! Whether you're a nature enthusiast, beach lover, or desert adventurer, Natours has something for everyone. This website is the result of my journey through the Advanced CSS and Sass course by the amazing instructor, Jonas Schmedtmann. Dive into the world of stunning landscapes and seamless design, crafted entirely with CSS and Sass, without a single line of JavaScript.
- Responsive Design: Experience Natours seamlessly across all devices, from desktops to smartphones.
- Beautiful UI: Immerse yourself in stunning visuals and intuitive user interface design.
- CSS & Sass Mastery: Explore the power of CSS and Sass in creating dynamic and visually appealing web pages.
A huge shoutout to Jonas Schmedtmann for his invaluable teachings and guidance throughout the Advanced CSS and Sass course.
- LinkedIn: Let's connect for collaborations and more exciting projects! Shakiba Sadat Vakili
- Email: Have questions or want to collaborate? Reach out to me at shakibvakili@gmail.com.
- GitHub: Explore more of my projects and contributions on GitHub: @shakiba-vakili.