CLEVR_HYP: A Challenge Dataset and Baselines for Visual Question Answering with Hypothetical Actions over Images (NAACL 2021 Long Paper)
Download Images from the following link, keep the images corresponding to Validation Set (of original CLEVR dataset)
Download Action Texts and Questions (includes Train, Val, Test, 2HopAT and 2HopQH partitions)
(1) Dataset-gen: Follow the instructions in Readme file under this directory if you would like to generate your own data in CLEVR_HYP style
(2) Baseline Model 1: Follow the instructions in Readme file under this directory if you want to evaluate performance on CLEVR_HYP using a Reading Comprehension Model (roberta-race)
(3) Baseline Model 2: Follow the instructions in Readme file under this directory if you want to evaluate performance on CLEVR_HYP using a Visual Question Answering Model (lxmert-clevr)
(4) Baseline Model 3: Follow the instructions in Readme file under this directory if you want to evaluate performance on CLEVR_HYP using the Text Editing Image Model (text-editing-image-bl)
(5) Baseline Model 4: Follow the instructions in Readme file under this directory if you want to evaluate performance on CLEVR_HYP using a Reading Comprehension Model (scene-editing-bl)