Python's package to scrape Twitter's front-end easily with selenium.
Table of Contents
Download the source code or clone it with:
git clone
Open terminal inside the downloaded folder:
python3 install
Installing with PyPI
pip3 install twitter-scraper-selenium
Function Name | Function Description | Scraping Method | Scraping Speed |
scrape_profile() |
Scrape's Twitter user's profile tweets | Browser Automation | Slow |
get_profile_details() |
Scrape's Twitter user details. | HTTP Request | Fast |
scrape_profile_with_api() |
Scrape's Twitter tweets by twitter profile username. It expects the username of the profile | Browser Automation & HTTP Request | Fast |
Note: HTTP Request Method sends the request to Twitter's API directly for scraping data, and Browser Automation visits that page, scroll while collecting the data.
from twitter_scraper_selenium import get_profile_details
twitter_username = "TwitterAPI"
filename = "twitter_api_data"
browser = "firefox"
headless = True
get_profile_details(twitter_username=twitter_username, filename=filename, browser=browser, headless=headless)
"id": 6253282,
"id_str": "6253282",
"name": "Twitter API",
"screen_name": "TwitterAPI",
"location": "San Francisco, CA",
"profile_location": null,
"description": "The Real Twitter API. Tweets about API changes, service issues and our Developer Platform. Don't get an answer? It's on my website.",
"url": "https:\/\/\/8IkCzCDr19",
"entities": {
"url": {
"urls": [{
"url": "https:\/\/\/8IkCzCDr19",
"expanded_url": "https:\/\/",
"display_url": "",
"indices": [
"description": {
"urls": []
"protected": false,
"followers_count": 6133636,
"friends_count": 12,
"listed_count": 12936,
"created_at": "Wed May 23 06:01:13 +0000 2007",
"favourites_count": 31,
"utc_offset": null,
"time_zone": null,
"geo_enabled": null,
"verified": true,
"statuses_count": 3656,
"lang": null,
"contributors_enabled": null,
"is_translator": null,
"is_translation_enabled": null,
"profile_background_color": null,
"profile_background_image_url": null,
"profile_background_image_url_https": null,
"profile_background_tile": null,
"profile_image_url": null,
"profile_image_url_https": "https:\/\/\/profile_images\/942858479592554497\/BbazLO9L_normal.jpg",
"profile_banner_url": null,
"profile_link_color": null,
"profile_sidebar_border_color": null,
"profile_sidebar_fill_color": null,
"profile_text_color": null,
"profile_use_background_image": null,
"has_extended_profile": null,
"default_profile": false,
"default_profile_image": false,
"following": null,
"follow_request_sent": null,
"notifications": null,
"translator_type": null
Argument | Argument Type | Description |
twitter_username | String | Twitter Username |
output_filename | String | What should be the filename where output is stored?. |
output_dir | String | What directory output file should be saved? |
proxy | String | Optional parameter, if user wants to use proxy for scraping. If the proxy is authenticated proxy then the proxy format is username:password@host:port. |
In JSON format:
from twitter_scraper_selenium import scrape_profile
microsoft = scrape_profile(twitter_username="microsoft",output_format="json",browser="firefox",tweets_count=10)
"1430938749840629773": {
"tweet_id": "1430938749840629773",
"username": "Microsoft",
"name": "Microsoft",
"profile_picture": "",
"replies": 29,
"retweets": 58,
"likes": 453,
"is_retweet": false,
"retweet_link": "",
"posted_time": "2021-08-26T17:02:38+00:00",
"content": "Easy to use and efficient for all \u2013 Windows 11 is committed to an accessible future.\n\nHere's how it empowers everyone to create, connect, and achieve more: ",
"hashtags": [],
"mentions": [],
"images": [],
"videos": [],
"tweet_url": "",
"link": ""
In CSV format:
from twitter_scraper_selenium import scrape_profile
tweet_id | username | name | profile_picture | replies | retweets | likes | is_retweet | retweet_link | posted_time | content | hashtags | mentions | images | videos | post_url | link |
1430938749840629773 | Microsoft | Microsoft | | 64 | 75 | 521 | False | 2021-08-26T17:02:38+00:00 | Easy to use and efficient for all – Windows 11 is committed to an accessible future. Here's how it empowers everyone to create, connect, and achieve more: |
[] | [] | [] | [] | | |
Argument | Argument Type | Description |
twitter_username | String | Twitter username of the account |
browser | String | Which browser to use for scraping?, Only 2 are supported Chrome and Firefox. Default is set to Firefox |
proxy | String | Optional parameter, if user wants to use proxy for scraping. If the proxy is authenticated proxy then the proxy format is username:password@host:port. |
tweets_count | Integer | Number of posts to scrape. Default is 10. |
output_format | String | The output format, whether JSON or CSV. Default is JSON. |
filename | String | If output parameter is set to CSV, then it is necessary for filename parameter to passed. If not passed then the filename will be same as username passed. |
directory | String | If output_format parameter is set to CSV, then it is valid for directory parameter to be passed. If not passed then CSV file will be saved in current working directory. |
headless | Boolean | Whether to run crawler headlessly?. Default is True |
Keys of the output
Key | Type | Description |
tweet_id | String | Post Identifier(integer casted inside string) |
username | String | Username of the profile |
name | String | Name of the profile |
profile_picture | String | Profile Picture link |
replies | Integer | Number of replies of tweet |
retweets | Integer | Number of retweets of tweet |
likes | Integer | Number of likes of tweet |
is_retweet | boolean | Is the tweet a retweet? |
retweet_link | String | If it is retweet, then the retweet link else it'll be empty string |
posted_time | String | Time when tweet was posted in ISO 8601 format |
content | String | content of tweet as text |
hashtags | Array | Hashtags presents in tweet, if they're present in tweet |
mentions | Array | Mentions presents in tweet, if they're present in tweet |
images | Array | Images links, if they're present in tweet |
videos | Array | Videos links, if they're present in tweet |
tweet_url | String | URL of the tweet |
link | String | If any link is present inside tweet for some external website. |
To Scrap profile's tweets with API:
from twitter_scraper_selenium import scrape_profile_with_api
scrape_profile_with_api('elonmusk', output_filename='musk', tweets_count= 100)
Argument | Argument Type | Description |
username | String | Twitter's Profile username |
tweets_count | Integer | Number of tweets to scrape. |
output_filename | String | What should be the filename where output is stored?. |
output_dir | String | What directory output file should be saved? |
proxy | String | Optional parameter, if user wants to use proxy for scraping. If the proxy is authenticated proxy then the proxy format is username:password@host:port. |
browser | String | Which browser to use for extracting out graphql key. Default is firefox. |
headless | String | Whether to run browser in headless mode? |
"1608939190548598784": {
"tweet_url" : "",
}, ...
Just pass proxy
argument to function.
from twitter_scraper_selenium import scrape_profile
scrape_profile("elonmusk", headless=False, proxy="", output_format="csv",filename="musk") #In IP:PORT format
Proxy that requires authentication:
from twitter_scraper_selenium import scrape_profile
microsoft_data = scrape_profile(twitter_username="microsoft", browser="chrome", tweets_count=10, output="json",
proxy="sajid:pass123@") # username:password@IP:PORT
This scraper only scrapes public data available to unauthenticated user and does not holds the capability to scrape anything private.