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Youtube doc
Shabbir Governor edited this page Nov 29, 2021
2 revisions
The consolidation score which is used in the prediction of next scene is a mixture of global performance, cosine similarity, tag_presence, color_presence, our goal was to somehow add audience_retention to as a part of this consolidated score to get clips which are likely to retain the audience mostly. Resulting in increased watchtime of the creative.
Video clip name is passed through an sql function which returns the audience score ranging between 0-100
Inputs Required:
- clip_name
- Step 1: Pass the clip names from files_mid, files_end to audience_retention function
- Step 2: The function calculates the audience retention score based on percent difference
- Step 3: A score is returned
- Step 4: A final score is calculated based on the new formula cons_score = cosine_similarity * global_performance * tag_res * color_res * audience_score
- Step 5: Best scene with highest score is chosen
def audience(clip_name):
conn = psycopg2.connect(user = "ds_readonly", password = "blkbox2020!",host = "db.blkbox.ai",port = "5432",database = "blkbox")
sql = """select asset_name, value1::json->'value' as audience_curve from
(SELECT a.video_id as asset_id, b.asset_name, cast(a.date as text) as dates,
cast(a.metadata ->> 'video_play_curve_actions' as jsonb) ->> 0 as value1 from
fb_adaccount_video_insights a inner join fb_app_assets b on a.video_id = b.asset_id
where b.asset_name like '%{asset_name}%')s;""".format(asset_name=clip_name)
data = pd.read_sql_query(sql, conn)
conn = None
data = data.dropna()
a = list(map(sum, zip(*list(data.audience_curve))))
a1 = [x/len(list(data.audience_curve)) for x in a]
a1 = [x for x in a1 if x != 0]
res = np.mean(a1)
return res
def retrieve_most_similar_videos(arr,files,given_video,position,tag_list,color_list,nb_closest_videos):
cos_similarities_df = cos(arr,files)
print("Original Add Video:")
print("Most Similar Video Recommended:")
closest_videos = cos_similarities_df[given_video].sort_values(ascending=False)[1:nb_closest_videos+1].index
closest_videos_scores = cos_similarities_df[given_video].sort_values(ascending=False)[1:nb_closest_videos+1]
for i in range(0,len(closest_videos)):
result = closest_videos[i]
#Get performance data from the performance dataframe
if position == 'mid':
perf = float(df_mid_performance.query("files_path == '{a}'".format(a=closest_videos[i])).performance)
print('The global performance of video :',perf)
#Audience Retention score for the indiviual
audience_score = float(df_mid_performance.query("files_path == '{a}'".format(a=closest_videos[i])).audience_retention)
print("The audience_retention score for the clip is :",audience_score)
#Function call to check tag & color present or not
tag_check = tag_func(result,position)
#tag_check = tag_list in tag_check[0]
tag_check = any(item in tag_check[0] for item in tag_list)
tag_res = 1 if tag_check == True else 0.8
print('Tag Score is :',tag_res)
color_check = color_func(result,position)
#color_check = color_list in color_check[0]
color_check = any(item in color_check[0] for item in color_list)
color_res = 1 if color_check == True else 0.8
print('Color Score is :',color_res)
print("Cosine Similarity Score: ",closest_videos_scores[i])
# Here is the changeg new formula to calculate the new cons score
final_score = closest_videos_scores[i] * perf * tag_res * color_res * audience_score
print("Consolidated Score :", final_score)
elif position == 'end':
perf = float(df_end_performance.query("files_path == '{a}'".format(a=closest_videos[i])).performance)
print('The global performance of video :',perf)
#Check Audience retention score for the scene
audience_score = float(df_end_performance.query("files_path == '{a}'".format(a=closest_videos[i])).audience_retention)
print("The audience_retention score for the clip is :",audience_score)
#Function call to check tag & color present or not
tag_check = tag_func(result,position)
#tag_check = tag_list in tag_check[0]
tag_check = any(item in tag_check[0] for item in tag_list)
tag_res = 1 if tag_check == True else 0.8
print('Tag score is',tag_res)
color_check = color_func(result,position)
#color_check = color_list in color_check[0]
color_check = any(item in color_check[0] for item in color_list)
color_res = 1 if color_check == True else 0.8
print('Color Score is :',color_res)
print("Cosine Similarity Score: ",closest_videos_scores[i])
# Here is the changeg new formula to calculate the new cons score
final_score = closest_videos_scores[i] * perf * tag_res * color_res * audience_score
print("Consolidated Score :", final_score)
# print("Cosine Similarity Score: ",closest_videos_scores[i])
# print('The global performance of video :',perf)
# print('The tag score is :',tag_res)
# print('The primary color score:',color_res)
# print("Consolidated Score :", final_score)
if position == 'mid':
elif position == 'end':
console.log('Hi this is javascript');
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