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Added knob
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sh123 committed Mar 28, 2023
1 parent 147af30 commit ab8645c
Showing 1 changed file with 157 additions and 50 deletions.
207 changes: 157 additions & 50 deletions variometer.scad
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ $fn = 30;
/* [Main Parameters] */

// object to render
render_object_ = "rotor"; // ["rotor", "stator_upper", "stator_lower", "demo"]
render_object_ = "rotor"; // ["rotor", "stator_upper", "stator_lower", "knob", "demo"]

// winding wire diameter
winding_wire_diameter_mm_ = 0.7;
Expand All @@ -31,6 +31,15 @@ stator_rotor_distance_mm_ = 2.0;
// rotor/stator shell width
stator_rotor_shell_width_mm_ = 1.0;

// stator halfs connector width
stator_halfs_connector_width_mm_ = 2.0;

// stator halfs connector diameter
stator_halfs_connector_diameter_mm_ = 3.0;

// stator halfs connector hole diameter
stator_halfs_connector_hole_diameter_mm_ = 0.5;

// percentage of wiring over the sphere
wiring_percentage_ = 50;
assert((wiring_percentage_ <= 100.0) && (wiring_percentage_ >= 10.0), "Wiring percentage should befrom 10 to 100");
Expand All @@ -48,11 +57,29 @@ diameter_to_inductance_coeff_ = 0.6;
// shaft cylinder or shaft hole diameter
shaft_diameter_mm_ = 5.0;

// generate shaft hole instead of shaft cylinders
// generate shaft hole instead of shaft cylinders if using external shaft
shaft_use_hole_ = false; // [true, false]

// shaft length from the rotor surface
shaft_length_mm_ = 10.0;
shaft_length_mm_ = 8.0;

// shaft stopper ring width
shaft_stopper_ring_width_mm_ = 1.0;

// shaft stopper ring diameter
shaft_stopper_ring_diameter_mm_ = 7.0;

// generate shaft rotation 0-180 degree limit stopper
shaft_use_stopper_ = true; // [true, false]

// width of the shaft rotation limit stopper
shaft_stopper_width_mm_ = 5.0;

// height of the shaft rotation limit stopper
shaft_stopper_height_mm_ = 1.0;

// tuning knob width
knob_width_mm_ = 1.0;

// how many turns to skip for shaft system
shaft_gap_turns_ = ceil(shaft_diameter_mm_ / (winding_wire_diameter_mm_ + winding_wire_distance_mm_));
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -103,9 +130,15 @@ if (render_object_ == "rotor") {
translate([0, 0, -20])
translate([10.0 + rotor_diameter_mm_ / 2.0 + stator_rotor_distance_mm_ + stator_rotor_shell_width_mm_ + 1.0, 0, 0])
rotate([90, 0, 0])
rotate([0, 90, 0])
} else if (render_object_ == "stator_upper" || render_object == "stator_lower") {
} else if (render_object_ == "stator_upper" || render_object_ == "stator_lower") {
} else if (render_object_ == "knob") {
} else {
assert(false, "Unknown object to render");
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -133,31 +166,52 @@ module render_rotor()
// build circles
points_circles = shape_circle(d2r(winding_wire_diameter_mm_));

// additional virtual turns based on wiring percentage
add_turns = rotor_winding_wire_turns_ * (100 - wiring_percentage_) / wiring_percentage_;
echo("rotor adding virtual turns", add_turns);
rotor_cap_len_mm = 0.66 * add_turns * (winding_wire_diameter_mm_ + winding_wire_distance_mm_) / PI;
echo("rotor cap len", rotor_cap_len_mm, "mm");

difference() {

// draw sphere with shafts
union() {
sphere(d = rotor_diameter_mm_);
if (shaft_use_stopper_) {
mirror([0, 1, 0])
translate([-shaft_stopper_width_mm_ / 2.0, 0.0, -shaft_stopper_height_mm_ / 2.0])
cube([shaft_stopper_width_mm_, rotor_diameter_mm_ / 2.0 + 2.0 * stator_rotor_distance_mm_ / 3.0, shaft_stopper_height_mm_]);
translate([-shaft_stopper_width_mm_ / 2.0, 0.0, -shaft_stopper_height_mm_ / 2.0])
cube([shaft_stopper_width_mm_, rotor_diameter_mm_ / 2.0 + 2.0 * stator_rotor_distance_mm_ / 3.0, shaft_stopper_height_mm_]);
if (!shaft_use_hole_) {
// right shaft
rotate([0, 90, 0])
cylinder(h = shaft_length_mm_ + rotor_diameter_mm_ / 2.0, d = shaft_diameter_mm_);
// right holding ring
translate([stator_rotor_distance_mm_ + rotor_diameter_mm_ / 2.0, 0, 0])
rotate([0, -90, 0])
cylinder(h = shaft_stopper_ring_width_mm_, d = shaft_stopper_ring_diameter_mm_);
// left shaft
rotate([0, -90, 0])
cylinder(h = shaft_length_mm_ + rotor_diameter_mm_ / 2.0, d = shaft_diameter_mm_);
// left holding ring
translate([-(stator_rotor_distance_mm_ + rotor_diameter_mm_ / 2.0), 0, 0])
rotate([0, 90, 0])
cylinder(h = shaft_stopper_ring_width_mm_, d = shaft_stopper_ring_diameter_mm_);
} // union

if (shaft_use_hole_) {
rotate([0, 90, 0])
cylinder(h = shaft_length_mm_ + rotor_diameter_mm_ / 2.0, d = shaft_diameter_mm_);
rotate([0, -90, 0])
cylinder(h = shaft_length_mm_ + rotor_diameter_mm_ / 2.0, d = shaft_diameter_mm_);
} else {
// right knob slot
translate([stator_rotor_distance_mm_ + rotor_diameter_mm_ / 2.0 + stator_rotor_shell_width_mm_ + 1.0, -shaft_diameter_mm_ / 2.0, shaft_diameter_mm_ / 3.0])
cube([shaft_length_mm_ - stator_rotor_distance_mm_ - stator_rotor_shell_width_mm_ - 1.0, shaft_diameter_mm_, shaft_diameter_mm_]);
// create holes inside the shaft for wire
rotate([0, 90, 0])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -214,60 +268,113 @@ module render_stator(render_object)
echo("stator adding virtual turns", add_turns);
stator_cap_len_mm = 0.66 * add_turns * (winding_wire_diameter_mm_ + winding_wire_distance_mm_) / PI;
echo("stator cap len", stator_cap_len_mm, "mm");

difference() {

// main sphere
sphere(d = stator_diameter_mm_);

// holes for shaft
rotate([0, 90, 0])
cylinder(h = shaft_length_mm_ + rotor_diameter_mm_ / 2.0, d = shaft_diameter_mm_);
rotate([0, -90, 0])
cylinder(h = shaft_length_mm_ + rotor_diameter_mm_ / 2.0, d = shaft_diameter_mm_);

// remove inner sphere to build shell
sphere(d = stator_diameter_mm_ - 2 * stator_rotor_shell_width_mm_);

// extrude lower spiral
shape_pts = points_circles,
radius = d2r(stator_diameter_mm_),
za_step = 10.0,
z_circles = 4 * (stator_winding_wire_turns_ + add_turns),
begin_angle = 360 * ((add_turns - shaft_gap_turns_)/ 2.0),
end_angle = 360 * ((stator_winding_wire_turns_ + add_turns + shaft_gap_turns_) / 2.0),
vt_dir = "SPI_UP",
scale = 1.0

// extrude upper spiral
shape_pts = points_circles,
radius = d2r(stator_diameter_mm_),
za_step = 10.0,
z_circles = 4 * (stator_winding_wire_turns_ + add_turns),
begin_angle = 360 * ((stator_winding_wire_turns_ + add_turns + shaft_gap_turns_) / 2.0),
end_angle = 360 * ((add_turns - shaft_gap_turns_) / 2.0),
vt_dir = "SPI_UP",
scale = 1.0

union() {

difference() {
union() {
// main sphere
sphere(d = stator_diameter_mm_);
// halfs screw tightenging
for (deg = [45:45:360]) {
rotate([0, 0, deg]) {
difference() {
translate([stator_diameter_mm_ / 2.0, 0, -stator_halfs_connector_width_mm_ / 2.0])
cylinder(stator_halfs_connector_width_mm_, d = stator_halfs_connector_diameter_mm_);
translate([stator_diameter_mm_ / 2.0 + stator_halfs_connector_hole_diameter_mm_, 0, -stator_halfs_connector_width_mm_ / 2.0])
cylinder(stator_halfs_connector_width_mm_, d = stator_halfs_connector_hole_diameter_mm_);
} // degrees

// holes for shaft
rotate([0, 90, 0])
cylinder(h = shaft_length_mm_ + rotor_diameter_mm_ / 2.0, d = shaft_diameter_mm_);
rotate([0, -90, 0])
cylinder(h = shaft_length_mm_ + rotor_diameter_mm_ / 2.0, d = shaft_diameter_mm_);

// remove inner sphere to build shell
sphere(d = stator_diameter_mm_ - 2 * stator_rotor_shell_width_mm_);

// extrude lower spiral
shape_pts = points_circles,
radius = d2r(stator_diameter_mm_),
za_step = 10.0,
z_circles = 4 * (stator_winding_wire_turns_ + add_turns),
begin_angle = 360 * ((add_turns - shaft_gap_turns_)/ 2.0),
end_angle = 360 * ((stator_winding_wire_turns_ + add_turns + shaft_gap_turns_) / 2.0),
vt_dir = "SPI_UP",
scale = 1.0

// extrude upper spiral
shape_pts = points_circles,
radius = d2r(stator_diameter_mm_),
za_step = 10.0,
z_circles = 4 * (stator_winding_wire_turns_ + add_turns),
begin_angle = 360 * ((stator_winding_wire_turns_ + add_turns + shaft_gap_turns_) / 2.0),
end_angle = 360 * ((add_turns - shaft_gap_turns_) / 2.0),
vt_dir = "SPI_UP",
scale = 1.0
} // difference

if (shaft_use_stopper_) {
mirror([0, 1, 0])
translate([-shaft_stopper_width_mm_ / 2.0, -stator_diameter_mm_ / 2.0 + stator_rotor_shell_width_mm_, -shaft_stopper_height_mm_ / 2.0])
cube([shaft_stopper_width_mm_, stator_rotor_shell_width_mm_ + 2.0 * stator_rotor_distance_mm_ / 3.0, shaft_stopper_height_mm_]);
translate([-shaft_stopper_width_mm_ / 2.0, -stator_diameter_mm_ / 2.0 + stator_rotor_shell_width_mm_, -shaft_stopper_height_mm_ / 2.0])
cube([shaft_stopper_width_mm_, stator_rotor_shell_width_mm_ + 2.0 * stator_rotor_distance_mm_ / 3.0, shaft_stopper_height_mm_]);

} // union

// cut upper hat
if (render_object == "stator_lower")
translate([-stator_diameter_mm_ / 2.0, -stator_diameter_mm_ / 2.0, 0])
cube([stator_diameter_mm_, stator_diameter_mm_, stator_diameter_mm_ / 2.0]);
translate([-stator_diameter_mm_, -stator_diameter_mm_, 0])
cube([2.0 * stator_diameter_mm_, 2.0 * stator_diameter_mm_, stator_diameter_mm_ / 2.0]);
translate([-stator_diameter_mm_ / 2.0, -stator_diameter_mm_ / 2.0, (stator_diameter_mm_ - stator_cap_len_mm) / 2.0])
cube([stator_diameter_mm_, stator_diameter_mm_, stator_cap_len_mm]);

// cut lower hat
if (render_object == "stator_upper")
translate([-stator_diameter_mm_ / 2.0, -stator_diameter_mm_ / 2.0, -stator_diameter_mm_ / 2.0])
cube([stator_diameter_mm_, stator_diameter_mm_, stator_diameter_mm_ / 2.0]);
translate([-stator_diameter_mm_, -stator_diameter_mm_, -stator_diameter_mm_ / 2.0])
cube([2.0 * stator_diameter_mm_, 2.0 * stator_diameter_mm_, stator_diameter_mm_ / 2.0]);
translate([-stator_diameter_mm_ / 2.0, -stator_diameter_mm_ / 2.0, -(stator_diameter_mm_ - stator_cap_len_mm) / 2.0 - stator_cap_len_mm])
cube([stator_diameter_mm_, stator_diameter_mm_, stator_cap_len_mm]);

} // difference

module render_knob()
knob_diameter = 1.5 * rotor_len_mm_;
union() {
difference() {
// create main cylinder knob
cylinder(knob_width_mm_, d = 1.5 * rotor_len_mm_);
// remove center shaft
cylinder(knob_width_mm_, d = shaft_diameter_mm_);
// remove plastic
for (deg = [0, 90, 180, 270])
rotate([0, 0, deg])
translate([knob_diameter / 4.0, 0, 0])
cylinder(knob_width_mm_, d = knob_diameter / 3.0);
// fingers
for (deg = [0:4:360])
rotate([0, 0, deg])
translate([knob_diameter / 2.0, 0, 0])
cylinder(knob_width_mm_, d = 2.0);
// create slot and move it to the right position
translate([-shaft_diameter_mm_ / 2.0, shaft_diameter_mm_ / 3.0, 0])
cube([shaft_diameter_mm_, shaft_diameter_mm_ / 2.0, knob_width_mm_]);

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