Using this on master so that we can test the gem, this isn't recommended in production
This extension allows a developer to create forms which can take on multiple tasks
Using forms 'DRY's up the process of creating and reusing forms across a site (well I think so at least).
The New way:
gem install radiant-forms-extension
# add the following line to your config/environment.rb: config.gem 'radiant-forms-extension', :lib => false
rake radiant:extensions:forms:update
rake radiant:extensions:forms:migrate
The old way:
git clone git:// vendor/extensions/forms
rake radiant:extensions:forms:update
rake radiant:extensions:forms:migrate
A new tab will be present under design, a form has the following properties
- title reference for when you call the form tag (no spaces)
- action a specification action to submit the form to (posting to external sites etc)
- redirect_to location to send the redirection to, will go to posting page otherwise
- body output which will be shown on a radiant page
- content presentation of data after form is submitted (useful when sending emails)
- config configuration for the addons which will use that form
Include the form in a page using a radius tag <r:form name="form_title" />
<r:label for='contact[name]'>
<span class='title'>Your Name</span>
<r:text name='contact[name]' />
<r:label for='contact[email]'>
<span class='title'>Your Email</span>
<r:text name='contact[email]' />
<r:submit value='Send My Name' />
<h2>Contact from <r:form:read name='contact[name]' /></h2>
<p>You can get back to them on <r:form:read name='contact[email]' /></p>
<p>Cheers, <br /> <strong>Cool Mailer</strong></p>
assuming you have forms_mail installed as well
extension: mail
from: contact[email]
<head>Some Terribly Designed Radiant Page</head>
<h2>Thank you for contacting us <r:get name='contact[name]' /></h2>
<!-- We need to clear the response, sort of like flash data -->
<r:clear />
Delete the following line in config/environment.rb
config.frameworks -= [ :action_mailer ]
or just remove the :action_mailer references
config.frameworks -= []
Define your mailing variables
extension: mail
subject: subject text
extension: mail
from: person[email]
to: person[email]
subject: contact[subject]
reply_to: person[email]
Of course you are probably using sendgrid to make sending emails easy, but if you're using SMTP create the following to /config/initializers/form_mail.rb
ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :smtp
ActionMailer::Base.raise_delivery_errors = true
ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = {
:enable_starttls_auto => true,
:address => "",
:port => "587",
:domain => "",
:authentication => :plain,
:user_name => "",
:password => "password"
A showcase of how to use addons, allows you to send emails directly from the page
class FormBlah
include Forms::Models::Extension # Sorts out initialization giving you
# def initialize(form, page)
# @form = form
# @page = page
# @data =
# @config = @form.config[self.class.to_s.downcase.gsub('form', '').to_sym].symbolize_keys # @form.config[:blah]
def create
# return = {
# :hash => 'these details will be returned to the result page namespaced under blah'
# }
Any form configured with a block containing a blah extension key will know to call this models create method
extension: blah
key: value
another: value
I'm going to let you sort that out, you have the create action with input and output
from here you can decide how your form addon is going to behave.
unless ENV["RAILS_ENV"] == "production"
config.gem 'rspec', :version => '1.3.0'
config.gem 'rspec-rails', :version => '1.3.2'
config.gem 'cucumber', :verison => '0.8.5'
config.gem 'cucumber-rails', :version => '0.3.2'
config.gem 'database_cleaner', :version => '0.4.3'
config.gem 'ruby-debug', :version => '0.10.3'
config.gem 'webrat', :version => '0.7.1'
config.gem 'rr', :version => '0.10.11'