Releases: sfgallen/RICoTTa
Releases · sfgallen/RICoTTa
RICoTTa - **R**iver **I**nversion Model using **Co**smogenic Radionuclide, Marine **T**errace, and Low-Temperature Thermochronological Data
Sean F. Gallen and Christoph Glotzbach
RICoTTa is a data-driven river profile inversion code originally developed by Glotzbach (2015). The version provided here is a modified version of the original code presented in Gallen et al. (2023). See the read me page for some information on the code as well as the two papers cited above.
This is a citable repository as Gallen and Glotzbach, 2023, RICoTTa v1.0,
Note that the codes presented in this repository might be updated from time to time on the associated GitHub page linked here: