Speaker Space is a full-stack application designed to provide a centralized space for speakers to access all information related to their conferences, resources, contacts, and tasks to accomplish — with an integrated reminder system.
Backend : Java 21, Spring Boot
Frontend : Angular 19, TailwindCSS
Cloud : Google App Engine (instance F1)
Database : Firestore
Authentication : Firebase
Java 21
Node.js 20+
Angular CLI 19
Google Cloud Platform account with access to App Engine, Firestore, and Firebase
Clone the Repository
git clone https://github.com/Speaker-Space/speaker-space.git
cd speaker-space
Create a .env file at the root of the project based on the .env.sample file.
Download Firestore JSON Key :
- Go to your Google Cloud Console.
- Access your Firestore service account.
- Click on “...” in the Actions column.
- Select “Manage keys” > “Add key” > “JSON”.
- Download the .json file.
- Place it in the directory: src/main/resources/firestore-key.json
Download Firebase JSON Key:
- Go to the Firebase console of your project.
- In project settings: ⚙️ Settings > Service accounts
- Click on “Generate new private key”.
- Place the file in : src/main/resources/firebase-service.json
cd front
npm install
Firebase Configuration
Create the following file : src/environments/environment.development.ts
Add the following content:
export const environment = {
production: false,
name: 'development',
apiUrl: 'http://localhost:8080/api',
firebaseConfig: {
// Configuration Firebase ici
- Go to the Firebase console :
- ⚙️ Settings > General Settings
- Copy your firebaseConfig :
const firebaseConfig = {
apiKey: "apiKey",
authDomain: "authDomain",
projectId: "projectId",
storageBucket: "storageBucket",
messagingSenderId: "messagingSenderId",
appId: "appId"
- Paste the configuration inside environment.development.ts.
In a terminal, navigate to the backend folder :
cd back
Run the Spring Boot application :
./mvnw spring-boot:run
The API will be available at : http://localhost:8080/api
In a new terminal, navigate to the frontend folder :
cd front
Install dependencies :
npm install
Start the Angular application :
ng serve
The frontend will be available at : http://localhost:4200