Credit to for the goat images
Write an algorithm to figure out if a given image of a goat is right side up or upside down. The project is set up to run your algorithm against 9 images of different goats both right side up and upside down for a total of 18 images.
Score will be based first on percentage correct and second on elapsed run time. The winner will be the person with the highest percent accuracy or the first person to achieve 100%
- Accuracy % must be reproducible (not 1 in 1000 runs)
- Thinking outside the box is encouraged, using the file names as the answer is not
- Using a bitmap is a good place to start
- Fork repo
- Open UpGoatDownGoat.sln
- Add code to UpGoatDownGoat.Program.AnalyzeGoat()
- Debug project or build and run "UpGoatDownGoat\UpGoatDownGoat\bin\Debug\UpGoatDownGoat.exe"