snowflake-vcrpy is a library that allows you to record and replay HTTP interactions initiated by snowflake-connector-python for testing purposes. It is a pytest plugin built upon Libraries like snowpark-python and snowflake-sqlalchemy depending on the connector for HTTP interactions can also leverage the library.
snowflake-vcrpy provides the following features:
- pytest fixtures to enable record and replay HTTP-based tests
- pytest options to select the tests run in record-and-replay mode
snowflake-vcrpy can be installed from source code:
$ git clone
$ cd snowflake-vcrpy
$ pip install .
# Annotate the test to run in record-and-replay mode
import snowflake.connector
def test_method():
CONNECTION_PARAMETERS = {} # snowflake credentials
with snowflake.connector.connect(**CONNECTION_PARAMETERS) as conn, conn.cursor() as cursor:
assert cursor.execute('select 1').fetchall() == [(1,)]
As a pytest plugin, snowflake-vcrpy by default will identify tests annotated with @pytest.mark.snowflake_vcr
and run those tests in record-and-replay mode.
$pytest <>
snowflake-vcrpy incorporated to achieve recording and replaying.
The first time the test is run, a recording file consisting of HTTP requests and responses, will be generated under the directory <your_test_folder>/cassettes
with the naming convention of <test_class_name>.<test_method_name>.yaml
. will retrieve the serialized requests and responses stored in the cassette file, and if it recognizes any HTTP requests from the original test run, it will intercept them and return the corresponding recorded responses.
To accommodate any changes made to the API of the server being tested or responses, simply remove the existing cassette files and rerun your tests. will identify the missing cassette files and automatically record all HTTP interactions.
For advanced topics such as how request matching works or what options provides, please refer to the documentation. To configure within snowflake-vcrpy, please refer to section Optional vcrpy configuration.
A pytest option is provided to select the tests run in record and replay mode: --snowflake-record-tests-selectio
and there are three modes annotated
, disable
, all
: This is the default mode, pytest will only run the tests annotated with@pytest.mark.snowflake_vcr
in record and replay mode.disable
: This will disable record and replay for all tests.all
This will all tests in record and replay regardless of whether the test is annotated with@pytest.mark.snowflake_vcr
# run tests which are annotated with `@pytest.mark.snowflake_vcr` in record and replay, this is the default mode
$ pytest <tests>
# run tests which are annotated with `@pytest.mark.snowflake_vcr` in record and replay, with explicitly setting the default mode
$ pytest <tests> --snowflake-record-tests-selection annotated
# disable running record and replay mode for all the tests
$ pytest <tests> --snowflake-record-tests-selection disable
# run all the tests in record and replay regardless of whether the tests are being annotated with `@pytest.mark.snowflake_vcr`
$ pytest <tests> --snowflake-record-tests-selection all
vcr_config = {
'path': '<path_to_recording>'
# for more configs please refer to:
def test_method_passing_vcr_config():
snowflake-vcrpy pytest plugin will read the pytest fixture snowflake_vcr_config
to create module-scope
VCR instance. If configs are also provided through pytest marker kwargs, then
the global fixture configs will be overridden.
def snowflake_vcr_config():
return {
# your vcr config dict