Objective: Create a 5-6 minute presentation on a topic we haven't covered in class that is useful to your fellow developer.
Lightning talks will take place on Wednesday, January 27th at 10:30am.
- Your lightning talk must answer the following questions:
- What problem does this technology solve?
- How do you use it? Is there a "cheatsheet" or "get started" guide you found or made that others can reference?
- Please create a brief
outlining your findings and any helpful resources you discover in your research.
- Slides
- Brief demo of a sample app you built (highly encouraged if your technology lends itself to creating a sample app)
Here are some suggestions; you are welcome to think of your own! Please add your topic to this spreadsheet to claim it - everyone's topic must be unique!
- Amazon S3
- Firebase
- Redis
- Backbone
- Ember
- Ionic
- Meteor
- Browserify
- Cheerio
- ES6
- Lodash or Underscore
- Clojure
- CoffeeScript
- Go
- Python
- Swift
- Brakeman
- Capybara (testing)
- Chef
- Cucumber
- I18n
- Nokogiri (web scraping)
- OmniAuth
- Resque (background jobs)
- Sinatra framework
- will_paginate / kaminari
- OAuth
- Recaptcha
- Jade
- Ruby Slim
- D3.js
- HTML Canvas
- LiveReload
- Modernizr
- Phaser (gaming engine)
- Polymer / web components
- Static Site Generator (Jekyll, Hexo, or another)
- Three.js
- WebRTC Audio
- WebRTC Video
- Capistrano
- Emmet
- Grunt / Gulp
- Travis CI