Extends heroku config
command-line to copy config variables between apps.
This extension aids in the situation where you have multiple environments for your application, and you've created your config variables for one "environment" already, and don't want to tediously type them up again.
$ heroku plugins:install https://github.com/set5think/heroku-config-copy.git
$ heroku config:copy --dst_app DST_APP (--app APP is is optional, pending you want to copy the config from the app that the heroku command will currently grab)
$ heroku config:copy --dst_app DST_APP VAR_NAME ### This will just copy the specified VAR_NAME(s) from --app to --dst_app
Allow keys to be passed so only explicitly listed config variables get copied
This plugin is released under the MIT license. See the file LICENSE.
Copyright © 2013 Hassan Shahid.