This is a repository for phone book realisation under the framework of IDA course.
Please, install requirements before working with this program.
Add notes
- You may add notes in a very simple way;Search notes
- Search notes by any criteria;Edit notes
- Edit any information in a Book;Delete notes
- Delete notes by name and surname, phone or ID;Show people whose birthday is coming soon
- Get the list of people wose birthday will be in the next mont or within another range;View the whole book
- See all notes in a pleasant way;Get personal age
- Get anyone's age;View people older/younger than N
- See the list of people older/younger of a certain age;
Find the examples of represented features here.
If you discover a bug in the Phone Book manager, please search our issue tracker first. If it hasn't been reported, please create a new issue.
If you'd like to make your own changes to the Phone Book manager, make sure you follow the pull request template. If this is your first time making a PR or aren't sure of the standard practice of making a PR, here are some articles to get you started:
- sesorov: Developer
Create virtual environment
python -m venv venv
Activate virtual environment and install requirements:
- on Linuxvenv\Scripts\activate.bat
- on Windowspip install -r requirements.txt