Here lies my Emacs configuration: settings, helpers, fancy functions, etc.
To be able to manage them sanely, I long ago deleted my .emacs file and chose to use a .emacs.d folder instead. Emacs looks inside ~/.emacs.d for init.el, which I use somewhat like a header file.
Warning: I think I ought to use provide
instead of load
. This rewrite has been pending for a while..
$ git clone git://
$ cd .emacs.d
$ git submodule update --init
I've used git submodules in this repository. They're like pointers to other git repos, allowing you to nest one repository inside another.
This emacs customization set is sourced from many locations, including but not limited to:
The UC Berkeley CS 61A default .emacs file
Ahmed Owainati's .emacs file
CS 164 .emacs class master
The wealth of Emacs users at Facebook