- d7c62cc Create LICENSE
- c88d937 Merge branch 'main' of github.com:seriouspoop/gopush
- b546c7e chore: log for init
- 6e11c02 chore: update version
- e12bccf feat:
- 66aa758 feat: colored logging
- f619c5d feat: commit message default
- 7e06806 feat: generate gopush public key pair while using ssh
- d878eb9 feat: ssh keygen on init
- f19773e feature
- b88410d fix: add key to known hosts
- 1026e53 fix: add ssh to gopush
- a9573b6 fix: added color to prompt select
- 5ed37e7 fix: added opts to prompt for formatted string
- a02ff1f fix: added password type in model
- 2711fa9 fix: better commit message
- f46aca7 fix: commit message generate
- d6a83b8 fix: commit message generation
- 65e1a11 fix: config logging
- 211c009 fix: extra files added log
- 2c2a9cd fix: failure unicode character
- 183bb1d fix: log faint
- f6eb0b2 fix: log typo
- 1376bce fix: logging
- 97b20f2 fix: logging message and color
- 45823bd fix: masked prompt
- b01261f fix: moved select to utils
- d1c9277 fix: passphrase save for multiple use
- 247a64f fix: prompt testing
- baf3650 fix: removed license for non-distributive
- b42c3fd fix: removed prompt template
- 552d0d1 fix: test
- db7b57a fix: test
- eff4004 fix: test
- ab1f56e fix: test checker and logging
- d19e674 fix: testing
- a593a2e fix: typos and log changes
- ca9ba6e fix: unicode and indentation
- d231e11 fix: unicode for commit
- f96dad4 fix: validate prompt
- 3714345 ref: logger implementation