A compile time single header string manipulation library. Used for building static strings at compile time. For where template char arguments are more convient than the C++20 constexpr string.
Define your symbols as static constexpr variables.
constexpr auto a = CreateCharList<'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'>{};
constexpr auto b = CreateCharList<'='>{};
constexpr auto c = CreateCharList<1234>{};
constexpr auto d = CreateCharList<',', 5678>{};
constexpr auto ab = a.Append(b);
constexpr auto abc = ab.Append(c);
constexpr auto abc_str = ToStringView(abc.Append(d));
std::cout.write(std::data(abc_str), std::size(abc_str));
Results in:
Extracted from a dimensional analysis library for building static strings of the units.