This fork prupose is to add the capibility to pass options to curlftps. Please note that it depends on old software packages (not updated) and is not maintained enough for usage in production. (but it works pretty well :))
This plugin allows you to mount remote folder using curlftpfs in your container easily. Adapted from vieux/sshfs
1 - Install the plugin
$ docker plugin install sephrat/curlftpfs:next
# or to change where plugin .netrc is stored
$ docker plugin install sephrat/curlftpfs:next netrc.source=<any_file_path>
# or to enable debug
docker plugin install sephrat/curlftpfs:next DEBUG=1
2 - Create a volume
$ docker volume create -d sephrat/curlftpfs:next -o address=<ip:port> -o credentials=<user:password> ftpvolume
$ docker volume ls
local 2d75de358a70ba469ac968ee852efd4234b9118b7722ee26a1c5a90dcaea6751
local 842a765a9bb11e234642c933b3dfc702dee32b73e0cf7305239436a145b89017
local 9d72c664cbd20512d4e3d5bb9b39ed11e4a632c386447461d48ed84731e44034
local be9632386a2d396d438c9707e261f86fd9f5e72a7319417901d84041c8f14a4d
local e1496dfe4fa27b39121e4383d1b16a0a7510f0de89f05b336aab3c0deb4dda0e
sephrat/curlftpfs ftpvolume
# See curlftps man for all the options you can use. next line activate ftps (and do not very any certificate)
$ docker volume create -d sephrat/curlftpfs:next -o address=<ip:port> -o credentials=<user:password> -o no_verify_peer -o no_verify_hostname -o ssl_try -o enable_epsv ftpvolume
3 - Use the volume
$ docker run -it -v ftpvolume:<path>:nocopy busybox ls <path>
Make sure to add the nocopy option to your mount description.
- address (ip:port)
- credentials (user:password)
- uid (1000)
- gid (1000)
- umask (0022)
- all others you want
Thanks to Valuya/docker-volume-curlftpfs :