- I'm Junior Spring Back-end developer who creates business value
- Street Drop
- This Project is music-sharing social service that drops music while walking down the street.
- Please check the documentation below for more information on the project - Street Drop Docs
- GlueSQL
- GlueSQL is a SQL database library written in Rust.
- I mainly Contributed to the QueryBuilder, SQL Statement and Function.
- Implement SQL Spatial Data Type - Point
- Implement SQL Function - Append, Prepend, Concat_ws, Ascii, Chr, etc.
- Implement Query Builder to Join Expression and Functions etc.
- GlueSQL is a SQL database library written in Rust.
- FlipCard : Online Card Game Project - Java Swing (2021.03 ~ 2021.06)
- Tech B : Android Magazine Application (2021.03 ~ 2021.06)
- Depercent 2th - Workout Service : Team Lead (2022.09 ~ 2023.08)
- Bluehat Games : NFT based multiplayer games
- Bluehat Server : Develop Market Screen, Main Screen, Market Trade Logic
- Bluehat Client : Develop Market Logic, Email Login, Some API
- Developed a multi-label classification model with a parallel processing crawler and deep learning, reducing data tagging external labor by 1/10th and reducing crawl completion cycles from 2 weeks to 5 days.
- Developing a recommendation system utilizing content-based recommendations, collaborative filtering.
- Website SEO optimization, data processing for on-site SEO, and content SEO.