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  • Kubernetes
  • A functional Kubernetes Ingress Controller (included with most hosted Kubernetes offerings, such as GKE)

Configure Kubernetes

Install Kube State Metrics

  1. Deploy kube-state-metrics:

    $ git clone
    $ kubectl apply -f kube-state-metrics/kubernetes

    NOTE: Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Users - GKE has strict role permissions that will prevent the kube-state-metrics roles and role bindings from being created. To work around this, you can give your GCP identity the cluster-admin role by running the following one-liner (before deploying kube-state-metrics; if you ran the above command and received an error, try it again after granting your GCP identity cluster-admin privileges):

    $ kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding --clusterrole=cluster-admin --user=$(gcloud info | grep Account | cut -d '[' -f 2 | cut -d ']' -f 1)

Sensu Classic Demo

  1. Deploy Redis

    $ kubectl apply -f classic/deploy/sensu-redis-service.yaml
    $ kubectl apply -f classic/deploy/sensu-redis-deployment.yaml
  2. Configure your environment to access private Docker images.

    The official Sensu Enterprise (classic) Docker images are only available from a private repository on Docker Hub. Kubernetes either needs to be configured to use private Docker Registry images, or a Docker image needs to be uploaded to a Docker registry that is accessible via Kubernetes (e.g. such as Google Container Registry for GKE users).

    The Kubernetes Deployment definition in classic/deploy/sensu-enterprise-deployment.yaml references a Private Docker image (

    To configure Kubernetes to pull this image (or any other private images hosted in a Docker container registry), create a Kubernetes secret as follows:

    $ kubectl create secret docker-registry docker-registry-creds --docker-server= --docker-username=<your-name> --docker-password=<your-pword> --docker-email=<your-email>

    NOTE: replace <your-name, <your-pword>, and <your-email> with your Docker Hub username, password, and email address.


  3. Configure and deploy Sensu Enterprise and the Sensu Enterprise Dashboard

    $ kubectl create configmap sensu-enterprise-defaults --from-file=./classic/configmaps/sensu-enterprise/defaults/
    $ kubectl create configmap sensu-enterprise-checks --from-file=./classic/configmaps/sensu-enterprise/checks/
    $ kubectl create configmap sensu-enterprise-handlers --from-file=./classic/configmaps/sensu-enterprise/handlers/
    $ kubectl create configmap sensu-enterprise-integrations --from-file=./classic/configmaps/sensu-enterprise/integrations/
    $ kubectl create configmap sensu-enterprise-dashboard-config --from-file=./classic/configmaps/sensu-enterprise-dashboard/dashboard.json
    $ kubectl create configmap sensu-client-defaults --from-file=./classic/configmaps/sensu-client/defaults.json
    $ kubectl apply -f classic/deploy/sensu-enterprise/

    PROTIP: to edit and replace, or add new configuration files to a configmap, rerun any of the above commands with -o yaml --dry-run | kubectl replace -f - appended on the end; for example:.

    $ kubectl create configmap sensu-enterprise-checks --from-file=./classic/configmaps/sensu-enterprise/checks/ -o yaml --dry-run | kubectl replace -f -

    _This instructs kubernetes to do a dry run (--dry-run) of the create configmap command and output the resulting yaml (-o yaml), which can be piped to kubectl replace -f using the bash - syntax (a synonym for /dev/stdin).

  4. Configure and deploy InfluxDB

    $ kubectl create configmap influxdb-config --from-file=./classic/configmaps/influxdb/influxdb.conf
    $ kubectl apply -f classic/deploy/influxdb/
  5. Configure and deploy Grafana

    $ kubectl create configmap grafana-provisioning-datasources --from-file=./classic/configmaps/grafana/grafana-provisioning-datasources.yaml
    $ kubectl create configmap grafana-provisioning-dashboards --from-file=./classic/configmaps/grafana/grafana-provisioning-dashboards.yaml
    $ kubectl create configmap grafana-dashboards --from-file=./classic/configmaps/grafana/dashboards
    $ kubectl apply -f classic/deploy/grafana/
  6. Deploy Prometheus Node Exporters

    $ kubectl apply -f classic/deploy/node-exporter/
  7. Deploy Sensu Client daemonsets

    $ kubectl apply -f classic/deploy/sensu-client/
  8. Deploy an application

    $ kubectl apply -f classic/deploy/dummy-backend/

Sensu Go Demo

Install the Sensu CLI

  1. Download and install the Sensu CLI tool (sensuctl)

    On macOS

    $ curl -LO
    $ tar -xvf sensu-go-5.0.0-darwin-amd64.tar.gz
    $ sudo cp bin/sensuctl /usr/local/bin/

    On Debian/Ubuntu Linux

    $ curl -s \ \
    | sudo bash
    $ sudo apt-get install sensu-go-cli

    On RHEL/CentOS Linux

    $ curl -s \ \
    | sudo bash
    $ sudo yum install sensu-go-cli

Deploy an Application

  1. Deploy dummy app pods

    $ kubectl apply -f go/deploy/dummy.yaml
    $ kubectl get pods
    $ curl -i http://dummy.local

Deploy the Sensu Backend

  1. Deploy Sensu Backend

    $ kubectl apply -f go/deploy/sensu-backend.yaml
    $ kubectl get pods
  2. Configure sensuctl to use the built-in "admin" user

    $ sensuctl configure


  1. Create "demo" namespace

    $ sensuctl namespace create demo
    $ sensuctl namespace list
    $ sensuctl config set-namespace demo
  2. Create "dev" user role with full-access to the "demo" namespace

    $ sensuctl role create dev \
    --verb get,list,create,update,delete \
    --resource \* --namespace demo
  3. Create "dev" role binding for "dev" group

    $ sensuctl role-binding create dev --role dev --group dev
  4. Create "demo" user that is a member of the "dev" group

    $ sensuctl user create demo --interactive
  5. Reconfigure sensuctl to use the "demo" user and "demo" namespace

    $ sensuctl configure

Deploy InfluxDB

  1. Create a Kubernetes ConfigMap for InfluxDB configuration

    $ kubectl create configmap influxdb-config --from-file go/configmaps/influxdb.conf
  2. Deploy InfluxDB with a Sensu Agent sidecar

    $ kubectl apply -f go/deploy/influxdb.sensu.yaml
    $ kubectl get pods
    $ sensuctl entity list

Sensu InfluxDB Event Handler

  1. Register a Sensu 2.0 Asset for influxdb handler

    $ cat go/config/assets/influxdb-handler.yaml
    $ sensuctl create -f go/config/assets/influxdb-handler.yaml
    $ sensuctl asset info influxdb-handler
  2. Create "influxdb" event handler for sending Sensu 2.0 metrics to InfluxDB

    $ cat go/config/handlers/influxdb.yaml
    $ sensuctl create -f go/config/handlers/influxdb.yaml
    $ sensuctl handler info influxdb

Deploy Application

  1. Deploy dummy app Sensu Agent sidecars

    $ kubectl apply -f go/deploy/dummy.sensu.yaml
    $ kubectl get pods
    $ curl -i http://dummy.local

Sensu Monitoring Checks

  1. Register a Sensu 2.0 Asset for check plugins

    $ sensuctl create -f go/config/assets/check-plugins.yaml
    $ sensuctl asset info check-plugins
  2. Create a check to monitor dummy app /healthz

    $ sensuctl create -f go/config/checks/dummy-app-healthz.yaml
    $ sensuctl check info dummy-app-healthz
    $ sensuctl event list
  3. Toggle the dummy app /healthz status

    $ curl -i -XPOST http://dummy.local/healthz
    $ sensuctl event list

Prometheus Scraping

  1. Register a Sensu 2.0 Asset for the Prometheus metric collector

    $ sensuctl create -f go/config/assets/prometheus-collector.yaml
  2. Create a check to collect dummy app Prometheus metrics

    $ sensuctl create -f go/config/checks/dummy-app-metrics.yaml
    $ sensuctl check info dummy-app-metrics
  3. Query InfluxDB to list the stored series

    $ curl -GET 'http://influxdb.local/query' --data-urlencode 'q=SHOW SERIES ON sensu'
  4. Deploy Sensu Agent as a DaemonSet

    $ kubectl apply -f go/deploy/sensu-agent-daemonset.yaml
  5. Create checks to collect Kubernetes metrics

    $ kubectl apply -f go/config/checks/node-exporter-metrics.yaml
    $ kubectl apply -f go/config/checks/kube-state-metrics.yaml
    $ kubectl apply -f go/config/checks/kubelet-metrics.yaml
    $ kubectl apply -f go/config/checks/cadvisor-metrics.yaml

Deploy Grafana

  1. Create Kubernetes ConfigMaps for Grafana configuration

    $ kubectl create configmap grafana-provisioning-datasources --from-file=./go/configmaps/grafana-provisioning-datasources.yaml
    $ kubectl create configmap grafana-provisioning-dashboards --from-file=./go/configmaps/grafana-provisioning-dashboards.yaml
  2. Deploy Grafana with a Sensu Agent sidecar

    $ kubectl apply -f go/deploy/grafana.sensu.yaml
    $ kubectl get pods
    $ sensuctl entity list


The Sensu Kubernetes monitoring demo repository.







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