- Click here for a live demo.
Note: Do not load any sensitive data into this environment!
- Click here for a related project used for workshops
- Follow the instructions here.
- Follow the instructions here.
git clone --recursive https://github.com/fluxcapacitor/datasticks.com
cd datasticks.com
git submodule update --recursive --remote && git pull --recurse-submodules
kubectl get svc -w
- ie. AWS Route53 REST API, GoDaddy API, etc
kubectl describe svc weavescope-app
- Note: You can manually scale Spark Workers through WeaveScope
kubectl scale --replicas=4 rc spark-worker-2-0-1
kubectl get pod
kubectl exec <pod-name> -it -- bash -il
- Note: You can manually
into live Docker containers through WeaveScope
kubectl autoscale rc spark-worker-2-0-1 --max=4 --cpu-percent=50
kubectl rolling-update jupyterhub-master -f jupyterhub-rc-2cores-2gb.yaml
TODO: Link to jupyter notebook
TODO: Link to jupyter noteook
TODO: Link to Hystrix/Turbine dashboard
- Email help@fluxcapacitor.com for Support!