WORK TIME is an employee time management system which runs in an SSH terminal in a browser. The application will be targeted towards small business owners that are looking for an effective way to manage their employees' schedules. It provides an employee clocking system, attendance tracking and absence management.
View the live project here
NOTE: This application can only be operated properly on a desktop computer browser.
- Application Goals
- Target Audience
- User Stories
- Strategy Table / Diagram
- Application Structure
- Wireframe
- To provide a time management system that optimises the productivity of employees by automating idle routines such as recording clocking times, time-off entitlements and group absences.
- To deliver information as intuitively as possible by providing descriptive messages and a clear content structure.
small business owners, supervisors and their employees
- As a superuser (business owner / supervisor),
- I want the login credentials to be secure so that an unauthorised person cannot access the admin account.
- I want to be able to reset my password so that I can access the system even when I forget it.
- I want to be able to review each employee's attendance record so that I can manage the team more effectively.
- I want to be able to review a list of all requests easily so that I don't miss anything.
- I want to be able to see the team's availability so that I can easily determine whether I can approve or reject new absence requests.
- I want to be notified when there's a new request so that I can proceed as soon as possible.
- I want the system to programmatically generate payslips so that I can avoid idle and error-prone routines.
- I want to be able to add a new employee to the system so that they can start using the system immediately.
- As a user (employee),
- I want a simple log-in process so that I can complete my task as quickly as possible.
- I want an easy-to-use system so that I can complete my task as quickly as possible.
- I want to be able to check my absence entitlements so that I can plan my holidays as quickly as possible.
- I want to be able to book and cancel my holidays on the system so that I don't have to email my manager or update it on the Excel spreadsheet.
- I want to be able to review worked hours so that I can flag it to the manager immediately if it's inaccurate.
- I want to be able to check who's out of the office at a glance so that I can arrange meetings / events on a day when the relevant members are in.
The strategy table and diagram have been created to decide on what features should be implemented in this project. The listed features are based on the user stories. Each feature's importance and viability / feasibility were rated on a scale of 1 to 5 where 5 is the most important and the most viable / feasible.
Based on the strategy rating, I have decided to implement the following features: Login(Feature ID 1), Clock in/out(3), Book/Cancel/Approve/Reject time-off(4), Review Clock in/out time(7), Review absence entitlements(8), Review group absence(9).
The application will be structured as shown in the following diagram.
Google Sheets was chosen to store and retrieve data as most small/start-up companies typically have this tool available and the volume of the data for this project will be small. The python implementation will be able to support a SQL or NoSQL database with minimal refactoring when the volume of data requires it. The spreadsheet has 5 worksheets: login_credentials, employees, clockings, absences_requests and entitlements.
Each employee's login ID will be stored in the login_credentials sheet and will be the key to link to other worksheets to CRUD(create, read, update, delete) data when the user interacts with the application.
I have created a diagram to visualise each sheet and its columns.
The spreadsheet can be found here
The application layout splits functionality across 2 frames: a terminal and a calendar. The application's main features are utilised via the terminal.
Each user input is validated, feedback is given if invalid and the input prompt is repeated until the user enters valid input. The user can also type menu or quit if deciding to return to the menu or exit the application.
Feedback is given when the user's request is processed and data is updated to Google Sheets. If the user decides not to continue further, a message shows that no changes are made.
Application commands are not case-sensitive for convenience.
NOTE: The application is set for a fictional company that is based in Ireland, has 10 employees and 1 manager, each employee works 9:30-5:30 on weekdays and has 25 annual leave entitlements.
Main Title and Login
When starting the program, the title and login prompt display for quick access to the system.
At the employee ID prompt, the user can access a brief description of the application by typing help.
Employee Portal
When an employee logs into the system, they can see the employee portal title, welcome message with their first name and menu.
Clock In
As soon as the logged-in employee types 1 at the menu, the clock in time is added to the worksheet.
If the employee already clocked in that day, the alert displays to notify them and asks if they want to overwrite the time.
If the employee already clocked out that day, the alert displays to notify them. In that case, only the admin can update the time.
Clock out
As soon as the logged-in employee types 2 at the menu, the clock out time is added to the worksheet.
If the employee did not clock in that day, the alert displays to notify them.
If the employee already clocked out that day, the alert displays to notify them. In this case, the clock out time is not updated.
View Clock Card
The logged-in employee's clock card for the current week is displayed by default. They can view another week's clock card by typing a date in the correct format.
View Absence Entitlements
The logged-in employee's annual absence entitlements are displayed in a table with total, taken, planned, pending and unallocated hours.
Book Absence
By selecting this option, the logged-in employee's available paid time off hours and options for absence duration are displayed.
The employee is asked to enter a date for options 1-3, and a start and end date for option 4.
If the user enters a weekend date, the system alerts them and will not proceed. However, the system allows the user to input weekends for an end date for convenience. The system only uses weekdays for all calculations.
Upon pressing the enter key after inputting the details, the request summary and confirmation message are displayed.
Cancel Absence
Upon pressing 6, the logged-in employee's planned/pending absence displays in a table.
When typing a request ID, a summary of the absence to be cancelled displays to ensure the employee is cancelling the correct absence.
Admin Portal
When the superuser logs into the system, they can see the admin portal title, new absence request notification alerts and the admin menu.
Review Requests
Upon pressing 1 at the admin menu, new absence requests display per employee.
The details are displayed for confirmation.
The screen returns back to the Review Requests beginning screen as long as there are any pending requests left.
Review Attendance
The admin can review employees' clock cards for a day at a time. Upon typing 2, the current day's clock cards are displayed and the admin can view another day's clock cards by typing another date.
Add Absence
By typing 3 at the admin menu, the admin can add an employee's absence for the current year. This feature allows the admin to update any unplanned absences taken in the current year.
The admin is asked to input an employee ID, absence type(paid or unpaid), time period and date step by step. Lastly, the summary of absence displays to confirm before the update.
Update Clock Card
By typing 4 at the admin menu, the admin can update an employee's clock in/out time(s) for the current month.
The admin is asked to input an employee ID, date, and clock in/out time step by step. Lastly, the summary of details displays to confirm the update.
When the user selects the Exit option at the menu or types quit at the input prompt, the end title is displayed.
Group Absence Calendar
A Google Calendar is embedded to help both employees and admin make decisions about absence requests more easily.
This project was built to produce a minimum viable product and bigger scaled features were cut out.
Update Employee List
The current system requires a user to update the employee list directly via Google Sheets. It would be more convenient if the admin can add or delete an employee from the list via the application.
HR System
This project can expand to include a robust HR system that stores more employee details and generates payslips.
Flexible System
The current system is set for a specific situation such as a time zone(Ireland), working hours(9:30-5:30 weekdays only) and absence usage is restricted to the current year. It would be more usable if there were fewer restrictions.
Password Reset / Forgot Password
It would be more appropriate if a user can reset their own password by themselves.
As the calendar was embedded in the HTML file, the page needs to be reloaded to see the updated calendar by default. For a better user experience, I added some JavaScript code to auto-refresh every 20 seconds. However, when the calendar refreshes it is noticeable and a user cannot hold another month for more than 20 seconds. It would be better if the calendar event displays as the admin approves a request without refreshing it.
Python was used as the main scripting language.
HTML5 was used to embed the calendar iframe.*
CSS3 was used to style the layout of elements to the centre and adjust the terminal height.*
JavaScript was used to auto-refresh the calendar.*
*This project used the Code Institute Python template to display a simulated terminal. Other than the code mentioned, all code is part of the template.
- datetime was used to get the current year, date and time as well as calculate (week)days between two dates.
- enum was used to create enumerated constants for the colorama font colours.
- itertools was used to group a list of lists by employee IDs.
- os was used to clear the terminal.
- sys was used to exit the system for the KeyboardInterrupt exception.
- time was used to add delay in the execution before clearing the screen.
- colorama was used to highlight texts by printing in different colours. The Cyan colour was used for input format, green for successful results, yellow for texts that require action, and red background for warning or error messages.
- google-auth was used to authenticate for the Google APIs.
- gspread was used to access and manipulate data in Google Sheets.
- passlib was used to store users' passwords securely. As this package uses over 30 password hashing algorithms with randomly generated salt, it is more secure to store passwords using its method than plain texts.
- pytz was used to set a Timezone to Dublin, Ireland. This package solves the issue of ambiguous times at the end of DST which is mentioned in the Python official documentation.
- stdiomask was used for password masking. This package enhances security as it does not reveal the password on the screen.
- tabulate was used to display tables. This helps deliver information in a more efficient way.
Balsamiq was used to create the wireframes.
Canva was used to create the strategy table and diagram, and design the favicon.
Chrome DevTools was used to check runtime performance.
- was used to create the flowchart and diagrams.
- was used to create the favicon.
Git was used for version control.
GitHub was used to store the project's code and link to Heroku for auto-deployment. Its project board was also used to organise the list of work separated into documentation(README), development and bug fixes and prioritise the work.
Gitpod was used to develop and test my code.
Google Apps Script was used to write code to enable updating the calendar from the absence_requests worksheet.
View code
function addToCalendar() { let calendarId = 'MY_CALEDAR_ID'; let eventCal = CalendarApp.getCalendarById(calendarId); let spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(); let requestsSheet = spreadsheet.getSheetByName('absence_requests'); let employeesSheet = spreadsheet.getSheetByName('employees'); let requestsLastLow = requestsSheet.getLastRow(); let employeesLastLow = employeesSheet.getLastRow(); let requests = requestsSheet.getRange(`A2:J${requestsLastLow}`).getValues(); let employees = employeesSheet.getRange(`A2:C${employeesLastLow}`).getValues(); let fName, lName, fullName, eventStartTime, eventEndTime; // Delete existing events - workaround for the same event added muliple times. all_ = eventCal.getEvents(new Date(2020, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), new Date(2030, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)); if (all_.length > 0) { for (let i = 0; i < all_.length; i++) { all_[i].deleteEvent(); } } // Loop through the absence requests worksheet. for (let i = 0; i < requests.length; i++) { let request = requests[i]; let employeeID = request[1]; let startDate = request[2]; let endDate = request[3]; let startTime = request[4]; let endTime = request[5]; let approved = request[8]; let cancelled = request[9]; // Format purpose let fromdate = startDate.split('/'); let todate = endDate.split('/'); let startDay = parseInt(fromdate[0]); let startMonth = parseInt(fromdate[1]); let startYear = fromdate[2]; let endDay = parseInt(todate[0]); let endMonth = parseInt(todate[1]); let endYear = todate[2]; let eventStart = new Date(startYear, startMonth - 1, startDay); let eventEnd = new Date(endYear, endMonth - 1, endDay); // half day if (startTime != '') { let startHours; if (startTime == '9:30') { startHours = '9'; } else { startHours = '13'; } let endHours = endTime.substring(0, 2); eventStartTime = new Date(startYear, startMonth - 1, startDay, startHours, 30); eventEndTime = new Date(endYear, endMonth - 1, endDay, endHours, 30); } // Get the employee's full name for (let j = 0; j < employees.length; j++) { let employee = employees[j]; if (employeeID == employee[0]) { fName = employee[1]; lName = employee[2]; fullName = `${fName} ${lName}`; break; } } if (startTime == '' && eventStart != eventEnd && approved == 'True' && cancelled == 'False') { // 2+ days off let multieventEnd = new Date(eventEnd); multieventEnd.setDate(eventEnd.getDate() + 1); eventCal.createAllDayEvent(fullName, eventStart, multieventEnd); } else if ( startTime == '' && eventStart == eventEnd && approved == 'True' && cancelled == 'False' ) { // 1 day off eventCal.createAllDayEvent(fullName, eventStart); } else if (startTime != '' && approved == 'True' && cancelled == 'False') { // half day off eventCal.createEvent(fullName, eventStartTime, eventEndTime); } } }
Google Calendar was used to embed the calendar in
. -
Google Sheets was used to create/read/update/delete all data.
Grammarly was used to check for errors in the README.
PEP8 was used to check the Python script validity.
Text to ASCII Art Generator (TAAG) was used for the title text: “Work Time”, “Admin Portal”, “Employee Portal” and “Goodbye” in ANSI Regular(font name).
Visual Studio Code was used to edit my code.
W3C CSS Validation Service was used to check the CSS validity.
W3C Markup Validation Service was used to check the HTML markup validity.
Zapier was used to send notifications for new absence requests automatically.
As a superuser (business owner / supervisor),
I want the login credentials to be secure so that an unauthorised person cannot access the admin account.
: Stored passwords are hashed and salted using a password hashing library called Passlib.
I want to be able to reset my password so that I can access the system even when I forget it.
: This feature has not been implemented as mentioned in the UX strategy section. Its importance and viability/feasibility ratings were low to deliver a minimum viable product.
I want to be able to review each employee's attendance record so that I can manage the team more effectively.
: The admin can review all employee's clock cards for the current day by typing 2 at the admin portal menu. They can type in another day to review them.
I want to be able to review a list of all requests easily so that I don't miss anything.
: Upon login to the admin portal, a request notification displays on top of the menu advising of any new absence requests. The admin can review new absence requests by typing 1 at the admin portal menu.
I want to be able to see the team's availability so that I can easily determine whether I can approve or reject new absence requests.
: The calendar displays all employees' absence schedules that have been approved by the admin.
I want to be notified when there's a new request so that I can proceed as soon as possible.
: An email is sent to the admin automatically when a new row is appended in the
worksheet using Zapier. -
I want the system to programmatically generate payslips so that I can avoid idle and error-prone routines.
: This feature has not been implemented as mentioned in the UX strategy section. Its importance and viability/feasibility ratings were low to deliver a minimum viable product.
I want to be able to add a new employee to the system so that they can start using the system immediately.
: This feature has not been implemented as mentioned in the UX strategy section. Its importance and viability/feasibility ratings were low to deliver a minimum viable product.
As a user (employee),
I want a simple log-in process so that I can complete my task as quickly as possible.
: The system only requires an employee ID and its associated password to log in.
I want an easy-to-use system so that I can complete my task as quickly as possible.
: The application offers clear menu options and guided questions with detailed instructions.
I want to be able to check my absence entitlements so that I can plan my holidays as quickly as possible.
: The user can review their absence entitlements by typing 4 at the employee portal menu. The absence entitlements display in a table with total, taken, planned, pending and unallocated hours.
I want to be able to book and cancel my holidays on the system so that I don't have to email my manager or update it on the Excel spreadsheet.
: The user can easily cancel their planned/pending absence by typing 6 at the employee portal menu.
I want to be able to review worked hours so that I can flag it to the manager immediately if it's inaccurate.
: The user can view their clock in and clock out times by typing 3 at the employee portal menu. The information displays a week at a time in a table and the default display is the current week. The user can type in a different date to view another week's clock card.
I want to be able to check who's out of the office at a glance so that I can arrange meetings / events on a day when the relevant members are in.
: The calendar displays all employee's absence schedules that have been approved by the admin.
HTML Validation
- No errors or warnings were found when passing through the W3C Markup Validator.
CSS Validation
- No errors but 2 warnings were found when passing through the W3C CSS Validator.
- The warnings are caused by the use of vendor prefixes:
. As these are for supporting cross-browser compatibility, I decided not to remove them.
Python Validation
- No errors or warnings were found when passing through the PEP8 online.
- I have tested the application's functionality manually.
- All the tests passed: View details
I have measured the performance, accessibility, best practices and SEO using Lighthouse in Chrome DevTools in incognito mode.
Performance Accessibility Best practices SEO 100 97 92 100
Title Font
- Error: A third-party package called art was used to print a big title text, but the text had gaps between lines. Even the same font was displayed differently depending on the text.
- Cause: I was not able to find the exact reason, but I believe it was something to do with the template mock terminal or Heroku as the local terminal displayed without the gaps.
- Fix: I copied the text from TAAG and hardcoded it in the Python script.
- View commit details
Table Width
- Error: The right side of the table that displayed new requests at the admin portal went to the next line.
- Cause: The table was too long for the terminal width.
- Fix: I changed the code to take out the employee's name from the table and rewrote the code to display the table for each employee and their name at the top of each table.
- View commit details
- Error: The text displayed with ANSI escape sequences instead of displaying the expected colour.
- Cause: The text was too long to write in a line, so I wrapped it with a parenthesis and passed it into the print method. And it parsed the whole text inside parenthesis as one string.
- Fix: I concatenated the strings instead of wrapping them with a parenthesis.
- View commit details
Time Not Reflecting DST
- Error: The clock in/out time was returned as a UTC time without reflecting the time zone.
- Cause: I did not know there were two types of time which are naive and aware. If the time is naive it does not reflect the time zone info.
- Fix: I imported a third-party package called pytz and set the time zone to Dublin and used the datetime module instead of the time module.
- Original code / Fixed code
Clock In Update
- Error: When a user tried to update today's clock in time on the worksheet, the updated time was for the oldest entry in the worksheet and not specifically today's date. This often resulted in the time being updated on another date.
- Cause: I used the find method passing the employee ID without the associated date.
- Fix: I used the enumerate function to find the index of the clocking list that matches the employee ID and the date.
- View commit details
Number of Weekdays Calculation
- Error: When submitting an absence request, the system did not calculate the number of weekdays correctly where an absence did not start on a Monday.
- Cause: I didn't account for a situation where an absence did not start on Monday.
- Fix: I used the timedelta and sum methods to generate a list of all dates between the two dates and then calculated the number of weekdays in that time period.
- Original code / Fixed code
Incorrect Value in Review New Request Summary
- Error: Incorrect details were displayed in the confirmation summary of the admin portal review requests option.
- Cause: I used an if statement within a for loop to assign the required absence request details to a new variable. However, as the variable assignment was outside of the if statement, the assignment was repeated at the end of the loop and so always returned the last value instead of the required one.
- Fix: I moved the variable assignment to within the if statement to ensure the only absence request returned was the one that was changed.
- View commit details
Google API Quota Limit
- Error: An error code 429 was logged in the terminal.
- Google Sheets API has a quota limit of 60 read requests per minute per user.
- I refactored the code to reduce the number of API requests significantly. I also requested to increase the limit, but was not granted due to "the project having insufficient usage history" and I "still have a lot of headroom".
- I have not seen this error since I refactored the code, but I note this as a known bug since the limit might be reached if a user selects an option and returns to the menu right away many times in a very short period of time or more likely, with multiple concurrent users. However, in normal usage of the application, the error should not appear.
- Refactoring details
I changed the method to get a value. Previously a value was read from a cell. I changed the code to get the whole worksheet, find the index and get the value at the index.
I changed the method to update values. Previously a value was updated one at a time by a cell. I changed the code to update the whole row.
I changed the code to get the whole worksheet and pass it to another function instead of getting it twice.
Google Calendar Events Duplication
- Error: The calendar events were updated multiple times for the same absence occasionally.
- Google Apps Script was used to update absences in the calendar from the
worksheets. The calendar needs to be updated as per the admin's approval/rejection and/or an employee's cancellation. When I first executed the code, the same events were added multiple times at the same time. I added some code to delete all events if there are any, before executing the code that adds events to the calendar. However, it does not delete future events sometimes. - As this project is focused on Python and the calendar does not interrupt the performance, I decided not to pursue it any further.
This project was deployed automatically from GitHub to Heroku using the following steps:
Run the following command in the Terminal to add a list of dependencies to the requirements.txt file. It enables the application to run on Heroku.
pip3 freeze > requirements.txt
Go to the Heroku website and log in to my account.
Click the New button on the dashboard.
Select the Create new app option.
Fill in the form and click the Create app button.
Go to Settings and click the Reveal Config Vars button.
Copy the entire
file. -
Input CREDS in the key field, paste the copied text in step 7 to the value field and then click the ADD button.
Scroll down to the Buildpacks section and click the Add buildpack button.
Select python and click the Save changes button.
Repeat step 9.
Select nodejs and click the Save changes button.
Scroll up and select Deploy.
Select GitHub in the Deployment method section.
Click Connect to GitHub.
Enter this repository name and click Search.
When the repository with Connect button appears, click the button.
The status changes to connected.
Click Enable Automatic Deploys.
The text changes to indicate that automatic deploys are enabled successfully.
These steps demonstrate how I cloned my repository to create a local copy on my computer to run the code locally.
Navigate to my GitHub Repository.
Click the Code button above the list of files.
Select HTTPS under Clone. I have chosen this option as it is simpler than SSH.
Click the copy icon on the right side of the URL.
Open the Terminal.
Change the current working directory to the location where I want the cloned directory.
git clone
and then paste the URL I copied in step 4.git clone
Press enter. Messages are displayed in the Terminal to indicate the local clone has been successfully created.
Copy the existing service account key from the
file. -
Create a new file called
in the root directory and then paste the key I copied in step 9.
These steps demonstrate how to make a copy of this repository on your GitHub account to make changes without affecting this repository or to deploy the site yourself.
Log in to your GitHub account.
Navigate to this Work Time repository.
Click the fork button on the top right side of the repository.
You should now have a copy of this repository in your GitHub account.
To make the application work, a few more steps are required.
Go to Google Cloud Platform.
Create a new project and enable three APIs: Google Drive, Google Sheets and Google Calendar.
Generate service account credentials and download the JSON file.
Add the downloaded JSON file to the root directory and rename it
. -
Copy the value of
. -
Make a copy of this project's spreadsheet.
Click Share and paste
you copied in step 9 as an Editor. -
Replace the calendar link with your own calendar in
. -
Run the following command in the Terminal to install dependencies listed in
.pip3 install -r requirements.txt
You can make a local clone from the copied repository on your computer using the steps demonstrated in Making a Local Clone and/or deploy to Heroku using the steps demonstrated in Heroku.
I highly relied upon the Python documentation for Python built-in modules' usages and the gspread documentation for Google Sheets API's usages.
I referenced the W3schools and Stack Overflow to find appropriate modules or solutions for specific issues.
Clearing the terminal
- Source: GeeksforGeeks's article How to clear screen in python?
- Method: Defining a function to clear the terminal using the
module. - Usage: I used this method to clear the terminal after user input.
Sorting a list of lists by an index
- Source: mouad's answer on Stack Overflow
- Method: Sorting a list of lists by a specific index using
. - Usage: I used this method to sort a list of lists containing new absence requests for the admin portal before grouping them into another list.
Grouping lists by a value
- Source: Robert Rossney's answer on Stack Overflow
- Method: Grouping lists by a specific value using
. - Usage: I used this method to group new requests by an employee to fix an issue on a table width.
- Source: Google Python Style Guide
- Usage: I used the Google's docstring style. I found its format is the most readable style because of the indentation after I read daouzli's answer on Stack Overflow.
Auto-refresh iframe / JavaScript
- Source: Vikas Sardana's answer on Stack Overflow
- Method: Refresh the iframe automatically every certain time using
and set thesrc
attribute again inside thesetInterval
's callback function. - Usage: I used this method to refresh the calendar every 20 seconds as otherwise the page needs to be reloaded to see the updated calendar.
Displaying a favicon / HTML
- Source:
on MattBCoding's repository calico-jack - Method: Using a web-hosted file enables the display of the favicon.
- Usage: I used this method to fix an issue where the static favicon file did not display.
- Source:
Employee time management system
I developed the idea of building this project from a software company Mitrefinch's time management system that I use at work.
- My fiancé Ciarán Maher for his feedback and proofreading.
- My friends Hwayoung Kim, Junga Choi, Sena Park and Haeyoung Lee for testing the project.
- My mentor Narender Singh for his guidance and advice.
- My Cohort Facilitator Kasia Bogucka at Code Institute for the help.