Python package to manipulate the Cassini VIMS data.
pip install pyvims
pip install --upgrade pyvims
To use, simply do:
>>> from pyvims import VIMS
>>> cube = VIMS('1487096932_1')
>>> cube
<VIMS> Cube: 1487096932_1
- Size: (42, 42)
- Channel: IR
- Mode: NORMAL
- Start time: 2005-02-14 18:02:29.023000
- Stop time: 2005-02-14 18:07:32.930000
- Exposure: 0.16276 sec
- Duration: 0:05:03.907000
- Main target: TITAN
- Flyby: T3
>>> cube.time
datetime.datetime(2005, 2, 14, 18, 5, 0, 976500)
>>> cube.target_name
>>> cube.NS, cube.NL
(42, 42)
For more details, take a look to the static Jupyter NoteBook where more examples of usage are provided. You can also try this live demo on Binder.
If you use this package for your research, please cite it as:
Seignovert et al. - PyVIMS (Version 1.0.5) - Zenodo
This project is not supported or endorsed by either JPL or NASA. The code is provided "as is", use at your own risk.