Author: Shawn.T email:
- 开发时使用python 2.7
$ python --version
Python 2.7.8
- 下载及安装一些必要的python包
$ git clone
$ cd kong-butler && pip install -r requirements.txt
- 安装一个kong服务
- 配置信息在,一些必须的配置如下:
# 数据库地址
SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'mysql://name:pass@yourmysql/butler'
# 设置kong管理接口
# 配置kong管理接口认证方式(butler当前支持keyauth或http basicauth)
- 将后文api列表注册到kong中
$ python scripts/ recreatedb
$ python scripts/ import_data
$ python
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
* Restarting with stat
- 修改样例文件env.cnf中各文件路径
- 使用supervisord启动服务
$ supervisord -c env.conf/supervisord.cnf
- [auth/]
- [POST: user login]
- [POST: token refresh]
- [user/myself]
- [GET: get current user info]
- [PUT: modf user_info of current user]
- [user/user]
- [POST: add new user]
- [GET: get infos of one user/all users]
- [PUT: update user info]
- [DELETE: delete one user]
- [user/role]
- [POST: add new role]
- [GET: get infos of one role/all roles]
- [PUT: update role info]
- [DELETE: delete one role]
- [user/privilege]
- [GET: get infos of one privilege/all privileges]
- [PUT: update privilege info]
- [user/list]
- [GET: get simply info of users]
API URL format: http://<ip:port>/api/<api version, like v0.0>/<uri>
All API use restful+json protocal. All request header should contains:
Content-Type: application/json
Description: use username/password to login and return access token.
Normal response code:200
Error response code:400,401,404,405,409,500,503
Request format:
Name In Type description username body string user login name password body string user password -
Request example:
{ "password": "jerrypass", "username": "jerry" }
Response format:
Name In Type description message body string response info refreshtoken body string a refresh token can be used to ask a new access token token body string access token with user privilege info user_info body object a object of user infomations email body string email info in user_info object last_login body datetime the user last login time in user_info object privilege body object array the user privielge object in the user_info object role body object array the user roles object in the user_info object sign_up_date body datetime the user sign up date in the user_info object tel body string the user telephone number in the user_info object user_id body string the user id in the user_info object username body string the login username in the user_info object become_users body object array 允许在walker/scene执行的对端用户 -
Response example:
{ "message": "user logged in.<user:admin>", "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluIiwiaXNzIjoiTDdGbVlDVTZMMElOWVRGaEhPOVR0cU9DWmFTNjMyQ2EiLCJ1c2VyX2lkIjoiYTk0ODVkYTYzYzhlMTFlOGI3YjhhNDVlNjBlZDVlZDUzOTdkN2MyODA2ZDQzODJkODg1NDRhZjNmMTQzZDk0NSIsIm5iZiI6MTUyMzUwMzY4MCwiZXhwIjoxNTIzNTA3MjgwfQ.k6gLdt_lMJDKB0C_w7edmUMzFBd4R-mZiLO6DduSPkI", "user_info": { "email": "", "enabled": true, "last_login": "Thu, 12 Apr 2018 03:27:59 GMT", "role": [ { "description": "\u8d85\u7ea7\u7528\u6237", "role_id": "553a07823c8e11e8abd1a45e60ed5ed51ff04c8323083f2681ffdedfd3031b85", "role_name": "root" } ], "sign_up_date": "Tue, 10 Apr 2018 15:13:26 GMT", "tel": "", "user_id": "a9485da63c8e11e8b7b8a45e60ed5ed5397d7c2806d4382d88544af3f143d945", "username": "admin" } }
Description: use token to ask a new token.
Normal response code:200
Error response code:400,401,404,405,409,500,503
Request format:
Name In Type description refreshtoken header string token -
Response format:
Name In Type description message body string response info token body string a new access token which has a whole access token expired duration user_info body json current user info -
Response example:
{ "message": "user reflesh token.<user:admin>", "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluIiwiaXNzIjoiN1gzMHdJYUFFa2NGOFo4WWlVaEJNUGN6dHE3VXhIMmQiLCJ1c2VyX2lkIjoiYTk0ODVkYTYzYzhlMTFlOGI3YjhhNDVlNjBlZDVlZDUzOTdkN2MyODA2ZDQzODJkODg1NDRhZjNmMTQzZDk0NSIsIm5iZiI6MTUyMzUwMzY4MywiZXhwIjoxNTIzNTA3MjgzfQ.C1nbxzENZGCq-DZCzTLsTfM4MdOoTiTnJ8oLiyOV5A8", "user_info": { "email": "", "enabled": true, "last_login": "Thu, 12 Apr 2018 03:27:59 GMT", "role": [ { "description": "\u8d85\u7ea7\u7528\u6237", "role_id": "553a07823c8e11e8abd1a45e60ed5ed51ff04c8323083f2681ffdedfd3031b85", "role_name": "root" } ], "sign_up_date": "Tue, 10 Apr 2018 15:13:26 GMT", "tel": "", "user_id": "a9485da63c8e11e8b7b8a45e60ed5ed5397d7c2806d4382d88544af3f143d945", "username": "admin" } }
Description: use token to login and get user info
Normal response code:200
Error response code:400,401,404,405,409,500,503
Request format:
Name In Type description token header string access token -
Response format:
Name In Type description message body string response info token body string access token with user privilege info user_info body object a object of user infomations email body string email info in user_info object last_login body datetime the user last login time in user_info object role body object array the user roles object in the user_info object sign_up_date body datetime the user sign up date in the user_info object tel body string the user telephone number in the user_info object user_id body string the user id in the user_info object username body string the login username in the user_info object enabled body bollean status of user -
Response example:
{ "message": "user token refresh.<username:admin>", "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluIiwiaXNzIjoiTDdGbVlDVTZMMElOWVRGaEhPOVR0cU9DWmFTNjMyQ2EiLCJ1c2VyX2lkIjoiYTk0ODVkYTYzYzhlMTFlOGI3YjhhNDVlNjBlZDVlZDUzOTdkN2MyODA2ZDQzODJkODg1NDRhZjNmMTQzZDk0NSIsIm5iZiI6MTUyMzUwMzY4MCwiZXhwIjoxNTIzNTA3MjgwfQ.k6gLdt_lMJDKB0C_w7edmUMzFBd4R-mZiLO6DduSPkI", "user_info": { "email": "", "enabled": true, "last_login": "Thu, 12 Apr 2018 03:27:59 GMT", "role": [ { "description": "\u8d85\u7ea7\u7528\u6237", "role_id": "553a07823c8e11e8abd1a45e60ed5ed51ff04c8323083f2681ffdedfd3031b85", "role_name": "root" } ], "sign_up_date": "Tue, 10 Apr 2018 15:13:26 GMT", "tel": "", "user_id": "a9485da63c8e11e8b7b8a45e60ed5ed5397d7c2806d4382d88544af3f143d945", "username": "admin" } }
Description: decode token and modf the infomation of the token owner user.
Needed privileges: None
Normal response code:200
Error response code:400,401,404,405,409,500,503
Request format:
Name In Type description token header string access token user_info body object a object of user infomations username(optional) body string the login username in the user_info object password(optional) body string the login password in the user_info object email(optional) body string email info in user_info object tel(optional) body string the user telephone number in the user_info object -
Request example:
{ "tel": "13811111111" }
Response format:
Name In Type description message body string response info user_id body string the user id in the user_info object -
Response example:
{ "message": "current user info updated.", "user_id": "cfb0032e28dd11e7b0ec0242ac110006efe3a2562fb93580a7b9b6bfdcffda71" }
Description: add new user
Needed privileges: userAdmin
Normal response code:200
Error response code:400,401,404,405,409,500,503
Request format:
Name In Type description token header string access token username body string user login name password body string user password role_ids body list role id list email body string tel body string -
Request example:
{ "username": "Michel56", "password": "Michelpass", "role\_id_list": [ "8176154a289211e7a56e0242ac1100061ff04c8323083f2681ffdedfd3031b85", "81761f9a289211e7a56e0242ac110006bb736b09af543a39b46887d2a55cf9ef" ] }
Response format:
Name In Type description message body string response info user_id body string id of new user -
Response example:
{ "message": "user<user_id:fd57575a289211e79b990242ac110003c4b0f32903e030fda6ea86b971604317> created.", "user_id": "fd57575a289211e79b990242ac110003c4b0f32903e030fda6ea86b971604317" }
Description: get infos of one user/all users
Needed privileges: userAdmin
Normal response code:200
Error response code:400,401,404,405,409,500,503
Request format:
Name In Type description token header string access token user_id(optional) URL Params string return info of all users, if user_id is not given -
Request example:
request url: /api/v0.0/user/user?user_id=31d023683cb311e8b628a45e60ed5ed5b0607ac140d73b9d85ad88580081131a
Response format:
Name In Type description message body string response info user_info body object infomations of target user -
Response example:
{ "message": "user infomation.<user:paw-test-user>", "user_info": { "email": "", "enabled": true, "last_login": "", "role": [], "sign_up_date": "Tue, 10 Apr 2018 19:34:57 GMT", "tel": "", "user_id": "31d023683cb311e8b628a45e60ed5ed5b0607ac140d73b9d85ad88580081131a", "username": "paw-test-user" } }
Description: update user info
Needed privileges: userAdmin
Normal response code:200
Error response code:400,401,404,405,409,500,503
Request format:
Name In Type description token header string access token user_id URL Params string user_id of target user username(optional) body string new login username password(optional) body string new user password role_ids(optional) body list new role id list email(optional) body string new email address tel(optional) body string new tel numb -
Request example:
{ "password":"paw-test-user1", "username":"paw-test-user2", "role_ids":[""] }
Response format:
Name In Type description message body string response info user_id body string id of new user -
Response example:
{ "message": "user updated.<user:31d023683cb311e8b628a45e60ed5ed5b0607ac140d73b9d85ad88580081131a>", "user_id": "31d023683cb311e8b628a45e60ed5ed5b0607ac140d73b9d85ad88580081131a" }
Description: add a new role
Needed privileges: userAdmin
Normal response code:200
Error response code:400,401,404,405,409,500,503
Request format:
Name In Type description token header string access token role_name body string new role name description body string role description privilege_id_list body list privileges to this new role user_id_list body list users to this new role become_users(可选) body list 用户在walker/scene模块可用的对端主机用户 -
Request example:
{ "role_name": "paw-test-role1", "user_ids": [ "31d023683cb311e8b628a45e60ed5ed5b0607ac140d73b9d85ad88580081131a" ], "api_ids": [ "e64d40a4-59bb-43c7-a382-7cb5190558bc" ] }
Response format:
Name In Type description message body string response info role_id body string id of new role -
Response example:
{ "message": "role created.", "role_id": "1e6e78823cbb11e88384a45e60ed5ed5a50bdb24974a3afc966ee4018f5c7c60" }
Description: get infos of one/all roles
Needed privileges: userAdmin
Normal response code:200
Error response code:400,401,404,405,409,500,503
Request format:
Name In Type description token header string access token role_id(optional) URL Params string return info of all roles, if role_id is not given -
Request example:
request url: /api/v0.0/user/role?role_id=1e6e78823cbb11e88384a45e60ed5ed5a50bdb24974a3afc966ee4018f5c7c60
Response format:
Name In Type description message body string response info role_info body object infomations of target role -
Response example:
{ "message": "role infomation.<role:paw-test-role1>", "role_info": { "api": [ { "created_at": 1520066613670, "hosts": {}, "http_if_terminated": false, "https_only": false, "id": "c3e70c26-cb16-46d7-895d-76bb73bec2df", "name": "kongadm", "preserve_host": false, "retries": 5, "strip_uri": true, "upstream_connect_timeout": 60000, "upstream_read_timeout": 60000, "upstream_send_timeout": 60000, "upstream_url": "", "uris": [ "/kongadm" ] } ], "description": "", "enabled": true, "role_id": "1e6e78823cbb11e88384a45e60ed5ed5a50bdb24974a3afc966ee4018f5c7c60", "role_name": "paw-test-role1", "user": [ { "consumer_id": "9fbdaa65-7311-4517-ab4e-1ea3499fdfa3", "email": "", "hashed_password": "98e73a0a623f17f9a86ac5fc0a2a4500", "last_login": "", "sign_up_date": "Tue, 10 Apr 2018 15:13:26 GMT", "tel": "", "user_id": "a9485da63c8e11e8b7b8a45e60ed5ed5397d7c2806d4382d88544af3f143d945", "username": "admin" } ] } }
Description: update role info
Needed privileges: userAdmin
Normal response code:200
Error response code:400,401,404,405,409,500,503
Request format:
Name In Type description token header string access token role_id URL Params string id of target role role_name(optional) body string new role name privilege_id_list(optional) body list new privileges to the target role user_ids(optional) body list new users to the target role become_users(可选) body list 用户在walker/scene模块可用的对端主机用户 -
Request example:
{ "role_name": "role4", "user\_ids": [ "81911598289211e7a56e0242ac110006f973ba0fcf783bb8ade34c7b492d9e55" ] }
Response format:
Name In Type description message body string response info role_id body string id of updated role -
Response example:
{ "message": "role updated.<role:fef84614289211e7997b0242ac110003a3a3183ef5cd31858641c8ee1c4b67a1>", "role_id": "fef84614289211e7997b0242ac110003a3a3183ef5cd31858641c8ee1c4b67a1" }
Description: get infos of all apis setted in kong
Needed privileges: userAdmin
Normal response code:200
Error response code:400,401,404,405,409,500,503
Request format:
Name In Type description token header string access token -
Request example:
request url: /api/v0.0/user/api
Response format:
Name In Type description message body string response info privilege_info body object infomations of target privilege privilege_list body list infomations of all privileges -
Response example:
{ "message": "privilege infomation<privilege:userAdmin>.", "api_list": [ { "created_at": 1520066613670, "hosts": {}, "http_if_terminated": false, "https_only": false, "id": "c3e70c26-cb16-46d7-895d-76bb73bec2df", "name": "kongadm", "preserve_host": false, "retries": 5, "strip_uri": true, "upstream_connect_timeout": 60000, "upstream_read_timeout": 60000, "upstream_send_timeout": 60000, "upstream_url": "", "uris": [ "/kongadm" ] } ] }