How Many Outs is a poker based game to help improve your ability to quickly identify outs in a poker hand. This was my very first time programming in Python, so things would look a bit different if I were to do the project again 😛
You can play the game at
You can read more about creating the game at
This is an old personal side project not under development, but I welcome contributions! Before embarking on any big change or contribution, I encourage opening a discussion ticket first so we can align and avoid either one of us wasting effort. When opening a pull request, ensure your code has tests and follows the code styling tools.
The repository is under the MIT license, so feel free to fork and take the project in your own direction!
How Many Outs is built with Python(= 2.7), Flask, SQLite, and old school JQuery. To get started developing, run the below and then Open up to play/debug!
cd howmanyouts
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install Flask