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Releases: seek-oss/skuba


21 Mar 05:54
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Patch Changes

  • lint: Avoid patching Renovate config when it already extends a SEEK-Jobs or seekasia preset (#1132)


20 Mar 21:16
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Patch Changes

  • lint: Avoid committing .npmrc changes (#1129)

    skuba lint can automatically commit codegen changes if you have GitHub autofixes enabled on your project. Previously we made sure to exclude a new .npmrc file from the commit, but we now exclude changes to an existing .npmrc too.


20 Mar 10:13
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Major Changes

  • deps: Require Node.js 16.11+ (#1124)

    Node.js 14 will reach end of life by April 2023.

    Consider upgrading the Node.js version for your project across:

    • .nvmrc
    • package.json#/engines/node
    • CI/CD configuration (.buildkite/pipeline.yml, Dockerfile, etc.)

Minor Changes

  • format, lint: Prepend baseline SEEK renovate-config preset (#1117)

    skuba format and skuba lint will now automatically prepend an appropriate baseline preset if your project is configured with a SEEK-Jobs or seekasia remote:

    // SEEK-Jobs
    - extends: ['seek'],
    + extends: ['local>seek-jobs/renovate-config', 'seek'],
    // seekasia
    - extends: ['seek'],
    + extends: ['local>seekasia/renovate-config', 'seek'],

    Renovate requires this new configuration to reliably access private SEEK packages. Adding the preset should fix recent issues where Renovate would open then autoclose pull requests, and report ⚠ Dependency Lookup Warnings ⚠.

    See SEEK-Jobs/renovate-config and seekasia/renovate-config for more information.

  • format, lint, template/*-rest-api: Set keepAliveTimeout to 31 seconds to prevent HTTP 502s (#1111)

    The default Node.js server keep-alive timeout is set to 5 seconds. However, the Gantry default ALB idle timeout is 30 seconds. This would lead to the occasional issues where the sidecar would throw proxyStatus=502 errors. AWS recommends setting an application timeout larger than the ALB idle timeout.

    skuba format and skuba lint will now automatically append a keep-alive timeout to a typical src/listen.ts:

    // With a listener callback
    const listener = app.listen(config.port, () => {
      const address = listener.address();
    + listener.keepAliveTimeout = 31000;
    // Without a listener callback
    - app.listen(config.port);
    + const listener = app.listen(config.port);
    + listener.keepAliveTimeout = 31000;

    A more detailed explanation can be found in the below links:

  • format, lint: Bundle eslint-plugin-yml (#1107)

    eslint-plugin-yml is now supported on skuba format and skuba lint. While the default configuration should be unobtrusive, you can opt in to stricter rules in your .eslintrc.js:

    module.exports = {
      extends: ['skuba'],
    + overrides: [
    +   {
    +     files: ['my/strict/config.yaml'],
    +     rules: {
    +       'yml/sort-keys': 'error',
    +     },
    +   },
    + ],

    YAML files with non-standard syntax may fail ESLint parsing with this change. Gantry resource files should be excluded by default due to their custom templating syntax, and you can list additional exclusions in your .eslintignore.

  • start: Add Fastify support (#1101)

    skuba start can now be used to create a live-reloading server for Fastify based projects. See the skuba start documentation for more information.

  • format, lint: Configure ESLint for {cjs,cts,mjs,mts} files (#1126)

  • lint: Commit codegen updates (#1078)

    skuba lint can locally codegen updates to ignore files, module exports and Renovate configuration. These changes are now automatically committed if you have GitHub autofixes enabled on your project.

  • deps: TypeScript 5.0 (#1118)

    This major release includes breaking changes. See the TypeScript 5.0 announcement for more information.

Patch Changes

  • init: Include baseline SEEK renovate-config preset (#1117)

  • template/*-package: Require Node.js 16.11+ (#1124)

  • lint: Delete Dockerfile-incunabulum (#1078)

    skuba lint may have accidentally committed this internal file to source control in prior versions. It is now automatically removed if you have GitHub autofixes enabled on your project.


18 Mar 04:21
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v5.2.0-beta.1 Pre-release

Minor Changes

  • format, lint: Prepend baseline SEEK renovate-config preset (dbd4853)

    skuba format and skuba lint will now automatically prepend an appropriate baseline preset if your project is configured with a SEEK-Jobs or seekasia remote:

    // SEEK-Jobs
    - extends: ['seek'],
    + extends: ['local>seek-jobs/renovate-config', 'seek'],
    // seekasia
    - extends: ['seek'],
    + extends: ['local>seekasia/renovate-config', 'seek'],

    Renovate requires this new configuration to reliably access private SEEK packages. Adding the preset should fix recent issues where Renovate would open then autoclose pull requests, and report ⚠ Dependency Lookup Warnings ⚠.

    See SEEK-Jobs/renovate-config and seekasia/renovate-config for more information.

  • format, lint: Bundle eslint-plugin-yml (2cb3bf4)

    eslint-plugin-yml is now supported on skuba format and skuba lint. While the default configuration should be unobtrusive, you can opt in to stricter rules in your .eslintrc.js:

    module.exports = {
      extends: ['skuba'],
    + overrides: [
    +   {
    +     files: ['my/strict/config.yaml'],
    +     rules: {
    +       'yml/sort-keys': 'error',
    +     },
    +   },
    + ],

    YAML files with non-standard syntax may fail ESLint parsing with this change. Gantry resource files should be excluded by default due to their custom templating syntax, and you can list additional exclusions in your .eslintignore.

  • run: Add Fastify support (b62e585)

    skuba start can now be used to create a live-reloading server for Fastify based projects. See for more information.

Patch Changes


16 Feb 04:39
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v5.2.0-beta.0 Pre-release

Minor Changes

  • format, lint: Bundle eslint-plugin-yml (2cb3bf4)

    eslint-plugin-yml is now supported on skuba format and skuba lint. While the default configuration should be unobtrusive, you can opt in to stricter rules in your .eslintrc.js:

    module.exports = {
      extends: ['skuba'],
    + overrides: [
    +   {
    +     files: ['my/strict/config.yaml'],
    +     rules: {
    +       'yml/sort-keys': 'error',
    +     },
    +   },
    + ],

    YAML files with non-standard syntax may fail ESLint parsing with this change. Gantry resource files should be excluded by default due to their custom templating syntax, and you can list additional exclusions in your .eslintignore.

  • run: Add Fastify support (b62e585)

    skuba start can now be used to create a live-reloading server for Fastify based projects. See for more information.

Patch Changes

  • lint: Commit codegen updates (5eca770)

    skuba lint can locally codegen updates to ignore files and module exports. These changes are now automatically committed if you have GitHub autofixes enabled on your project.

  • lint: Delete Dockerfile-incunabulum (5eca770)

    skuba lint may have accidentally committed this internal file to source control in prior versions. It is now automatically removed if you have GitHub autofixes enabled on your project.


29 Dec 06:54
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Patch Changes

  • lint: Exclude internal files from autofix commits (#1074)

    skuba lint now avoids committing the following internal files in a GitHub autofix:

    • .npmrc
    • Dockerfile-incunabulum


28 Dec 02:54
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Minor Changes

  • deps: Prettier 2.8 (#1056)

    See the release notes for more information.

  • deps: TypeScript 4.9 (#1046)

    This major release includes breaking changes. See the TypeScript 4.9 announcement for more information.

Patch Changes

  • template/lambda-sqs-worker: Declare dd-trace dependency (#1051)

    This resolves a Runtime.ImportModuleError that occurs if this transitive dependency is not installed:

    Error: Cannot find module 'dd-trace'

    Alternatively, you can configure the Datadog Serverless plugin to bundle these dependencies via Lambda layers:

    -   addLayers: false
    +   addLayers: true
      "dependencies": {
    -   "datadog-lambda-js: "x.y.z",
    -   "dd-trace: "x.y.z"
      "devDependencies": {
    +   "datadog-lambda-js: "x.y.z",
    +   "dd-trace: "x.y.z"
  • template/lambda-sqs-worker*: Bump Node.js version to 18 (#1049)

    This release contains some breaking changes to the Lambda runtime such as the removal of AWS SDK V2 in favour of AWS SDK V3. See the AWS Lambda Node.js 18.x runtime announcement for more information.

  • template: Prompt for target platform (amd64 or arm64) (#1041)

  • template/lambda-sqs-worker*: Use single hyphen in renovate- branch name prefix (#1050)

  • deps: esbuild ~0.16.0 (#1062)

  • template/*-rest-api: Replace '{{.Environment}}' with a custom environment Gantry value. (#1065)

  • lint: Require package.json to be sorted (#1048)


10 Nov 02:07
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Patch Changes

  • jest: Fix isolatedModules transform config (#1036)

  • deps: eslint-config-skuba 1.2.0 (#1035)

    This introduces an autofix for the TS1205 compiler error.


09 Nov 05:18
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Major Changes

  • test: Remove default src module alias (#987)

    Our Jest preset automatically registers your tsconfig.json paths as module aliases, but would previously fall back to the src alias if the option was omitted or failed to load. This default has now been removed.

    This is not expected to affect most projects. If yours makes use of the src alias and its tests are now failing on imports like the following:

    import { app } from 'src/app.ts';

    Ensure that you declare this path in a tsconfig.json located in your project root:

      "compilerOptions": {
    +   "paths": {
    +     "src": ["src"]
    +   }
      "extends": "skuba/config/tsconfig.json"
  • build, test: Default to isolated modules (#987)

    Our Jest and TypeScript presets now enable isolatedModules by default. Your Jest tests should start quicker, consume less resources, and no longer get stuck on pesky type errors. This should not compromise the type safety of your project as skuba lint is intended to type check all production and testing code.

    If your project contains files without imports and exports like jest.setup.ts, you can add an empty export statement to them to placate the TypeScript compiler:

    jest.setup.ts(1,1): error TS1208: 'jest.setup.ts' cannot be compiled under '--isolatedModules' because it is considered a global script file. Add an import, export, or an empty 'export {}' statement to make it a module.
    process.env.ENVIRONMENT = 'test';
    + export {};

    If you previously enabled isolatedModules via the globals option in your Jest config, this is no longer functional due to syntax changes in ts-jest 29. You should be able to rely on our default going forward. skuba configure can attempt to clean up the stale option, or you can remove it from your jest.config.ts manually:

    export default Jest.mergePreset({
    - globals: {
    -   'ts-jest': {
    -     // seek-oss/skuba#626
    -     isolatedModules: true,
    -   },
    - },
      // Rest of config

    Isolated modules are incompatible with certain language features like const enums. We recommend migrating away from such features as they are not supported by the broader ecosystem, including transpilers like Babel and esbuild. If your project is not yet ready for isolated modules, you can override the default in your tsconfig.json:

      "compilerOptions": {
    +   "isolatedModules": false
      "extends": "skuba/config/tsconfig.json"

Minor Changes

  • format: Sort package.json (#1016)

  • build: Add experimental esbuild support (#681)

    You can now build your project with esbuild. Note that this integration is still experimental, only includes the bare minimum to supplant a basic tsc-based build, and is not guaranteed to match tsc output. See the esbuild deep dive for more information.

    To opt in, modify your package.json:

      "skuba": {
    +   "build": "esbuild",
        "template": null

Patch Changes

  • configure: Fix tsconfig.json#/compilerOptions/lib clobbering (#1031)

  • template: Bump greeter and API templates to Node.js 18 (#1011)

    Node.js 18 is now in active LTS. The Lambda templates are stuck on Node.js 16 until the new AWS Lambda runtime is released.

  • template/lambda-sqs-worker-cdk: Replace Runtypes with Zod as default schema validator (#984)

  • template/lambda-sqs-worker: Replace Runtypes with Zod as default schema validator (#984)

  • configure: Fix package version lookups (#974)

    This resolves the following error:

    Error: Package "xyz" does not have a valid package.json manifest
  • configure: Fix jest.setup.js clobbering (#1031)

  • template/lambda-sqs-worker*: Adjust Buildkite pipelines for new renovate-- branch name prefix (#1022)

    See the pull request that aligns our Renovate presets for more information.

  • template: Support AMD64 Docker builds via BUILDPLATFORM (#1021)

    See the Docker documentation for more information. Note that this does not allow you to build on AMD64 hardware then deploy to ARM64 hardware and vice versa. It is provided for convenience if you need to revert to an AMD64 workflow and/or build and run an image on local AMD64 hardware.

  • template/koa-rest-api: Replace Runtypes with Zod as default schema validator (#984)


27 Oct 21:38
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v5.0.0-beta.0 Pre-release

Major Changes

  • test: Remove default src module alias (350ea31)

    Our Jest preset automatically registers your tsconfig.json paths as module aliases, but would previously fall back to the src alias if the option was omitted or failed to load. This default has now been removed.

    This is not expected to affect most projects. If yours makes use of the src alias and its tests are now failing on imports like the following:

    import { app } from 'src/app.ts';

    Ensure that you declare this path in a tsconfig.json located in your project root:

      "compilerOptions": {
    +   "paths": {
    +     "src": ["src"]
    +   }
      "extends": "skuba/config/tsconfig.json"
  • build, test: Default to isolated modules (350ea31)

    Our Jest and TypeScript presets now enable isolatedModules by default. Your Jest tests should start quicker, consume less resources, and no longer get stuck on pesky type errors. This should not compromise the type safety of your project as skuba lint is intended to type check all production and testing code.

    If your project contains files without imports and exports like jest.setup.ts, you can add an empty export statement to them to placate the TypeScript compiler:

    jest.setup.ts(1,1): error TS1208: 'jest.setup.ts' cannot be compiled under '--isolatedModules' because it is considered a global script file. Add an import, export, or an empty 'export {}' statement to make it a module.
    process.env.ENVIRONMENT = 'test';
    + export {};

    If you previously enabled isolatedModules via the globals option in your Jest config, this is no longer functional due to syntax changes in ts-jest 29. You should be able to rely on our default going forward. skuba configure can attempt to clean up the stale option, or you can remove it from your jest.config.ts manually:

    export default Jest.mergePreset({
    - globals: {
    -   'ts-jest': {
    -     // seek-oss/skuba#626
    -     isolatedModules: true,
    -   },
    - },
      // Rest of config

    Isolated modules are incompatible with certain language features like const enums. We recommend migrating away from such features as they are not supported by the broader ecosystem, including transpilers like Babel and esbuild. If your project is not yet ready for isolated modules, you can override the default in your tsconfig.json:

      "compilerOptions": {
    +   "isolatedModules": false
      "extends": "skuba/config/tsconfig.json"

Minor Changes

  • build: Add experimental esbuild support (f693668)

    You can now build your project with esbuild. Note that this integration is still experimental, only includes the bare minimum to supplant a basic tsc-based build, and is not guaranteed to match tsc output. See the esbuild deep dive for more information.

    To opt in, modify your package.json:

      "skuba": {
    +   "build": "esbuild",
        "template": null

Patch Changes

  • template/lambda-sqs-worker-cdk: Replace Runtypes with Zod as default schema validator (1753391)

  • template/lambda-sqs-worker: Replace Runtypes with Zod as default schema validator (1753391)

  • configure: Fix package version lookups (680f6ec)

    This resolves the following error:

    Error: Package "xyz" does not have a valid package.json manifest
  • template/koa-rest-api: Replace Runtypes with Zod as default schema validator (1753391)