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Ariadne: Binary Ninja Graph Analysis Plugin

Ariadne is a Binary Ninja plugin that serves a browser-based interactive graph visualization for assisting reverse engineers. It implements some common static analysis tasks including call graph analysis, and can integrate block coverage information. This enables users to build interactive graphs and see exactly what they are interested in.

Demo Screen Capture


  1. Install this plugin via the Plugin Manager, OR clone this repo to your Binary Ninja plugins folder
  • NOTE: If you install by cloning the repo, you may need to install the Python dependencies in requirements.txt. Use the command palette (CTRL+P or equivalent) to do Install Python3 module and copy the contents of requirements.txt into the dialog.
  1. Open a binary in Binary Ninja
  2. Right click: Plugins > Ariadne > Analyze Target
  3. Watch the log and wait for analysis to complete
  4. Open a browser and surf to http://localhost:8800 to view the interactive graph (web UI)
  5. Navigate around in Binary Ninja; the graph will update when the current function changes

Graph Styling

The quick rundown on what the shapes and colors on the graph mean:

  • Regular functions are green circles
  • Import functions are diamond-shaped and colored orange
  • Node size is based on cyclomatic complexity; more complex functions are bigger circles
  • The current function active in BN is colored red
  • Nodes with double borders mean they have edges that weren't included for the current graph (default: local neighborhood for active function in BN, see note below)
  • Functions that you've looked at in the BN UI have light blue borders
  • If you click on a node, it becomes the "focus node"
    • The focus node is colored purple
    • Out edges/nodes (callees) are colored pink
    • In edges/nodes (calleRs) are colored blue
    • Clicking on the focus node deselects it
    • Clicking on another node makes that node the focus node

NOTE: the default graph is a 2-hop neighborhood of the current function BUT it will be automatically pruned to a smaller graph if two hops would include too many nodes. Use the context menu function graph to push the full context for the current function or use networkx to build custom graphs and push them to the web UI.


Longer blog post on motivation

This tool is a proof-of-concept that was built to fill a gap that we observed in our own reverse-engineering workflows, with the goals of being highly configurable and to help make reverse-engineering faster.

The key insight we found building/using a graph tool is that looking at too many nodes is unhelpful and layout matters a lot, so we focused on just the analysis results we wanted in the smallest and cleanest view possible.

From there, we built the backend so any graph could be pushed to the backend and common graph tasks would be easy. Adding extra analysis tasks is also easy since there are places for per-function and target-wide analysis.

Common Workflows

Ariadne was built to handle some common workflows encountered in RE and fuzzing:

  • Source/Sink analysis: Context command allows you to select a function and see all the paths to/from the current function in the web UI. source-sink
  • Coverage analysis via bncov: allows visualization of coverage and shows where your coverage stops and uncovered complexity resides. Requires bncov, but if coverage information is detected before analysis starts it will automatically be added, or it can be added separately. More in-depth post on coverage automation and Ariadne
    • The Descendent Complexity metrics ("uncovered" as well as the normal one) show the sum of complexity for all functions reachable from a given function as well as the sum for just functions with zero coverage. Very useful for fuzzing! Coverage View
  • Import Hiding: Sometimes imports are helpful, other times they just convolute the graph because it's more important to see just the internal functions
  • Custom graphs: create any graph based on the target's graph (ariadne.core.targets[bv].g) and push it to the web UI with ariadne.core.push_new_graph(new_graph)
  • Standard styling: the default graph styling allows you to see which functions you have already looked at, which functions are imports, and caller/callee relationships. Helps you see which functions you haven't looked at that may be of interest. Breadcrumb demo
  • Collapsible Function Metadata sidebar: Shows all the relevant static analysis results for any function you click on. Focus node view
  • Function search bar: start typing the name of the function you want to find in the search bar in the upper left, when the name turns green you can stop typing and hit enter to center the graph on the target function.
  • Freezing/unfreezing the graph: sometimes you don't want auto-updates
  • Save/Load analysis: redoing analysis is no good; headless analysis and save/load features allow you to crunch binaries on a separate machine if you want.
  • Callgraph exploration: using the web UI's Graph Focus Function button, now you can see what nodes aren't fully expanded in the current view and navigate between functions from within the web UI.

See the tutorial for detailed explanation of features and intended workflows that you can test out on an example binary.


If the web UI is unresponsive, check the websocket status in the upper right corner. If you push a really large graph to the web UI, the page may freeze while the graph layout is computed. In any case, refreshing the page should reset the UI.

Unhandled Python exceptions on startup or during processing are bugs and it'd be great if you would open a GitHub issue on the repo here and describe the problem (and include a binary to reproduce the problem, if possible).

Thank you!

To everyone who tries out this tool, it would mean a lot to me if you reach out and give me your thoughts on Twitter or starring this repo. I hope this helps you or gives you ideas on how to look at things a little differently.