This repository describes the implementation of Machine Learning techinques using the Statsmodels pacakge
Machine Learning Algorithms Simulation Prediction Classificarion Regression Statsmodels Simleng version 0.0 describes the simulation and strategies to develop a preliminary analysis on Classification Task using Statsmodels package. On this package has been implemented ad-hoc the Genlogistic function given in Scipy package and the K-Fold Cross Validation to estimate the performance of machine learning algorithms. The tests that have developed are included in the sections Simulation-Strategies.
The package contains: -API --Genlogistic cdf, pdf and Loglikelihood function corresponding to this function --Metrics to evaluate the performance of classification models -- the core of computational program -Tools that aid to computation and simulation PimasNov132018.wmv---Numerical results of all tests applied to Pima Indias Dataset