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Let your Selenium Cucumber Project grow

Kotlin Edition

Looking for the documentation how to use it after generating an project from this archetype?

follow this link

How to generate a ready to start project with this archetype

This archetype will generate you a Selenium Cucumber Skeleton for your projects with your chosen package names A ready to use showcase ca be cloned/downloaded/forked from


Before being able to make use of the archetype:generate command, the project has to be built from its root directory via mvn install. This will result in a jar being copied to your local maven-repo.


copy a jar from releases to your local maven repository in the correct path:

<user dir, depens on your OS>/.m2/repository/io/secugrow/secugrow-kotlin-archetype/<version>/secugrow-kotlin-archetype-<version>.jar


using a release archetype from a maven repository

You're all set - feel free to use the archetype.

Use this archetype to generate a project

 mvn archetype:generate \  
    -DarchetypeArtifactId=secugrow-kotlin-archetype \
    -DarchetypeGroupId=io.secugrow \
    -DarchetypeVersion=1.6.1 \
    -DgroupId=<your-group-id> \
    -DartifactId=<your artifactid> \
    -DinteractiveMode=false \
    -Da11y=<insert boolean here>


 mvn archetype:generate \  
    -DarchetypeArtifactId=secugrow-kotlin-archetype \
    -DarchetypeGroupId=io.secugrow \
    -DarchetypeVersion=1.6.1 \
    -DgroupId=io.secugrow.demo \
    -DartifactId=fromArchetype \
    -DinteractiveMode=false \