Bitcoin-callback is a bitcoin monitoring and notification micro-service, it provides a simple RESTful API to subscribe to bitcoin addresses, and receive notifications when there is a transaction from or to one of them.
These notifications are POST requests to the URL provided by the subscription.
To subscribe to a Bitcoin address, send a POST request to /subscription with the format:
Request Headers
Content-Type: application/json
Request Body
"address": "n4r9Ko71tH6t75iM4RuBwXKRn77vNiFBrb",
"callback_url": "",
"expiration": "2017-04-01T05:26:35"
Name | Type | Description | Required |
address | String | Bitcoin address to monitor | true |
callback_url | String | Url where the callback is sent | true |
expiration | Integer | Expiration datetime iso8601(UTC) | false |
Successful response:
Response Headers
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
status: 202 Accepted
Response Body
"id": 33,
"address": "n4r9Ko71tH6t75iM4RuBwXKRn77vNiFBrb",
"callback_url": "",
"created": "2017-04-01T01:26:35",
"expiration": "2017-04-01T05:26:35",
"state": "active",
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"address":"mjgZHpD1AzEixLgcnncod5df6CntYK4Jpi", "callback_url":""}' ""
To show a subscription, send a GET request to /subscription/$SUBSCRIPTION_ID
Request Header
Content-Type: application/json
Response Headers
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Status: 200 Ok
Response Body:
"id": 33,
"address": "n4r9Ko71tH6t75iM4RuBwXKRn77vNiFBrb",
"callback_url": "",
"created": "2017-01-01T01:26:35",
"expiration": 2017-04-01T01:26:35,
"state": "canceled",
Name | Type | Description |
id | Integer | Subscription id |
address | String | Bitcoin address to monitor |
callback_url | String | Url where the callback is sent |
created | String | Creation datetime iso8601(UTC) |
expiration | Integer | Expiration datetime iso8601(UTC) |
state | String | Subscriptions state (ready, canceled, expired, suspended) |
$ curl -X GET -H "Contente-Type: application/json" ""
There are two ways to stop a subscription, wait until the expiration date or send a PATCH request to /subscription/$SUBSCRIPTION_ID
Request Headers
Content-Type: application/json
Request body
"state": "canceled"
The response status will indicate success (200 - Ok), and include the subscription in the body
Response Headers
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Status: 200 Ok
Response Body
"id": 33,
"address": "n4r9Ko71tH6t75iM4RuBwXKRn77vNiFBrb",
"callback_url": "",
"created": "2016-04-01T12:44:01",
"expiration": "2017-04-01T01:26:35",
"state": "canceled",
$ curl -X PATCH -H "Content-Type: application/json" "" -d {"state": "canceled"}"
To list all subscriptions, send a GET request to /subscription
Request Headers
Content-Type: application/json
The response body will be a JSON object with an array containg objects representing each address
Response Headers
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Status: 200 Ok
Response Body
subscriptions: [
{"id": 33, "address": "mjgZHpD1AzEixLgcnncod5df6CntYK4Jpi", "callback_url": "...."},
{"id": 34, "address": "1F1tAaz5x1HUXrCNLbtMDqcw6o5GNn4xqX", "callback_url": "...."},
{"id": 35, "address": "14SJiZvXHzFLQH3ibqNF8A7orcCiXFNzWX", "callback_url": "...."},
Supported query paramenters:
page (integer): Page number (default 0)
per_page (integer): Results per page (default 5)
address (string): Subscription bitcoin address (1-50)
state (string): A subscription state (active, canceled, expired, suspended)
$ curl -X GET ""
$ curl -X GET ""
All request returning an object list, will also include pagination fields, with the usual meaning.
"paging": {
"prev": ""
"next": ""
Once a transaction involving a subscribed address is detected a POST request is issued to "callback_url", with the following format.
Request Headers
Content-Type: application/json
Request Body
"id": "51253edb-1652-4907-b4dc-934bccfe2dbe",
"subscription": {
"id": 23,
"address": "15dZHeERPS6rnDgq9Rr2CVdZN4oHEDqyvd"
"created": "2017-01-01T01:26:35",
"txid": "8cde57ed1b9d7ced7b9d5adc32bb77b9aa6cce63280e93d56b48b37b7982b131",
"amount": 7481310,
"retries": 2,
"acknowledged": False
Expected response
Response Headers
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Status: 200 Ok or 202 Accepted
Name | Type | Description |
id | String | Unique id for the callback |
subscription | Object | Embedded subscription object |
created | Integer | Callback creation time (iso8601) |
txid | String | Bitcoin transaction hash (hexadecimal) |
address | String | One of the transaction inputs/outputs |
amount | Integer | Amount transfered to/from the address |
Embedded Subscription:
Name | Type | Description |
id | Integer | Subscription id |
address | String | Bitcoin address being monitored by the subscription |
Each callbacks is reissued until the retry limit is reached or it is acknowledged by the client sending a PATCH request to /callback/$CALLBACK_ID
Request Headers
Content-Type: application/json
Request Body
"acknowledged": True
Response Headers
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Status: 200 Ok
$ curl -X PATCH -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"acknowledged": true}' ""
To show a callback, send a GET request to /callback/$CALLBACK_ID
Request Headers
Content-Type: application/json
A successful response
Response Header
Content-Type: application/json
Status: 200 Ok
Response Body
"id": "51253edb-1652-4907-b4dc-934bccfe2dbe",
"subscription": {
"id": 23,
"address": "15dZHeERPS6rnDgq9Rr2CVdZN4oHEDqyvd"
"txid": "8cde57ed1b9d7ced7b9d5adc32bb77b9aa6cce63280e93d56b48b37b7982b131",
"created": 1490471885,
"amount": 7481310,
"retries": 2,
"acknowledged": false
To list all callbacks, send GET request to /callback
Request Header
Content-Type: application/json
Response Header
Content-Type: application/json
Status: 200 Ok
Response Body
"callbacks": [
"id": "790031db-8480-4f0f-9344-5a4cec5fbaee",
"subscription": {
"id": 33,
"address: "15dZHeERPS6rnDgq9Rr2CVdZN4oHEDqyvd"
"txid": "8cde57ed1b9d7ced7b9d5adc32bb77b9aa6cce63280e93d56b48b37b7982b131",
"created": 1490471885,
"amount": 7481310,
"retries": 2,
"acknowledged": False
"id": "0999fd84-80cc-44a6-b3d1-9934fc790d31",
"subscription": {
"id": 33,
"address": "1KuWLoZuoJgz3N6sLoAwGth9XGm8YuFTGt",
"txid": "073bff6156cd7a5768e319c2ab8025283731ec5ac7da5fce638eeba569993398",
"created": 1490526357,
"amount": 1384203713,
"retries": 2,
"acknowledged": False
Optional query paramenters:
subscription (integer): Callback subscription id
acknowledged (boolean): Select acknowledged or unacknowledged callbacks
$ curl -X GET ""