A totally rad cli tool to automate freedns link creation.
For more in depth information and tutorials, see the community wiki!
This script simplifies account creation and domain making on freedns.afraid.org. It uses ading2210's freedns client and the guerrillamail.com api. All you have to do is sit there and solve captchas!
pip install domain92
pip install git+https://github.com/sebastian-92/domain92
Displays the help message.
domain92 -h
Specifies the number of links to generate.
domain92 --number 5
This will generate 5 links.
Specifies the IP address to use.
domain92 --ip
This will use the IP address
Specifies the webhook URL. Use "none" to not ask.
domain92 --webhook https://example.com/webhook
This will use the specified webhook URL.
Uses a proxy (default uses
domain92 --use_proxy
This will use the default proxy
Specifies a custom SOCKS5 external proxy or a different port for Tor.
domain92 --proxy socks5://custom.proxy:1080
This will use the specified custom proxy.
Suppresses output other than showing the captchas.
domain92 --silent
This will suppress all output except for captchas.
Specifies the output file for the domains (default is "domainlist.txt").
domain92 --outfile output.txt
This will save the output to output.txt
Specifies the type of record to make (default is "A").
domain92 --type AAAA
This will create an AAAA record.
Specifies the range of pages to scrape (default is the first ten).
domain92 --pages 3-5
This will scrape pages 3 to 5.
domain92 --pages 6
This will scrape the first six pages
domain92 --pages 14-17,6,43-43
This will scrape pages 14 to 17, 1 to 6, and page 43.
Specifies a comma-separated list of subdomains to use (default is random).
domain92 --subdomains sub1,sub2,sub3
This will use the specified subdomains.
Uses Tesseract to automatically solve the captchas. Tesseract is included in versions 1.1.0 and up!
domain92 --auto
This will use Tesseract to automatically solve captchas.
if you are IP blocked, it will come up with an error along the lines of "Account does not exist" immediately after activating the account, while trying to log in.
- use
to avoid this
please star on github if you use this!
This project is licensed under the GNU AGPL v3.0 :)