Ionic's CSS Framework in SASS and bundled for Meteor 1.2+. Currently up to date with ionic version v1.2.4
meteor add fourseven:scss@3.4.0-beta1
meteor add seba:ionic-sass
Then in your app's .scss
@import '{seba:ionic-sass}/scss/ionic';
Importing the source SASS files as opposed to including compiled or CDN versions allows you to easily customize or theme your app using SASS variables.
// Change Ionic's `positive` color to Meteor's red color:
$positive: #DE4F4F;
// Import your custom variables
@import 'app-variables';
// Then import ionic after. Ionic will use your variables instead of it's own.
@import '{seba:ionic-sass}/scss/ionic';
See the official Ionic CSS Docs site for usage instructions.