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Releases: seatgeek/react-infinite

React 16 Support

04 Apr 20:37
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This (unfortunately delayed) release adds support for React 16. Thanks to @aaronincincy and @mashehu for creating the pull requests that made this possible.

Subscription Fix

07 Aug 15:56
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Now, when moving from not using the window as scroll container to using the window as scroll container, we will subscribe to the new scroll listener.

A more comprehensive fix for this will be in the works.

Modernized React Infinite

07 Aug 15:12
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The only feature change in this release is removing a prop we deprecated in 0.6.0. Many improvements have been made to the code to bring it towards modern (i.e. 2017 instead of 2016) frontend practices, although there is more work to be done on this front.

The peer dependency on create-react-class has been removed, which should lead to some minor space savings. For people who use the built react-infinite bundles, minified bundle size should be cut to 20kb (from 37kb) after removing some unnecessarily included peer dependencies.

  • Moves from createClass to ES2015 class
  • Adds prettier and upgrades eslint
  • Upgrades jest to version 20, begins usage of enzyme, and updates to snapshot tests
  • Updates types
  • Changes travis settings and sets up a cache for node_modules
  • Implements very basic browser testing on Cypress
  • Permanently removes infiniteLoadBeginBottomOffset, deprecated since 0.6.0

Improved server-side rendering fix

03 Aug 22:02
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This includes a safer method of dealing with the non-existence of window.

We have also upgraded Flow to 0.52.0.

Fix for server-side rendering

02 Aug 20:12
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When rendering React Infinite server-side, global.window will now be defined so that useWindowAsScrollContainer can be used.

Update for React deprecations

15 May 18:55
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In React 15.5 access to PropTypes and createClass from React were deprecated. This release fixes those deprecation warnings.

Use cached children counts

22 Apr 15:43
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This update improves performance slightly by using a cached version of the number of children rather than using React.children to count the number of children each time.

React 15.0.0

08 Apr 16:33
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This release moves the required React version to ^15.0.0

React 15 and Style Overrides

12 Mar 07:16
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This release introduces support for React 15 Release Candidate 1, and also includes the ability to override certain styles with the styles prop. Since this is a feature that may break the functionality of React Infinite if used carelessly, the code should be read to determine how to use the override. Thanks to @hledley for the pull request!

Smarter Fetching and Peer React

21 Jan 05:36
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Thanks to @AlanFoster, React Infinite now tries to load new elements until the container is filled or it no longer receives any.

Thanks to @SupremeTechnopriest React is now specified as a PeerDependency, which it should have been all along.