An assignment for course CE3001-A Computer Organization in National Central University, Taiwan.
final var instructions = List.of(
new Instruction("000101 01001 01000 0000000000000001"), // bne $9, $8, 2
new Instruction("000000 00001 00010 00011 00000 100000"), // add $3, $1, $2
new Instruction("000000 00011 00100 00101 00000 100010"), // add $4, $6, $7
new Instruction("000000 00011 00100 00101 00000 100010") // sub $5, $3, $4
final var initRegisterValues = Map.of(
0, 0,
1, 9,
2, 8,
3, 7,
4, 1,
5, 2,
6, 3,
7, 4,
8, 5,
9, 6
final var initDataMemoryValues = Map.of(
0x00, 5,
0x04, 9,
0x08, 4,
0x0C, 8,
0x10, 7
// Create a MIPS pipelined processor with the given instructions, initial register values and data memory values.
final var processor = new Processor.Builder()
// Create and add a logger to log the variables in the processor.
final var logger = new ProcessorLogger();
// Start the pipeline.;
// Get and print the log.
See ProcessorTest and ProcessorLoggerTest for all examples.
Use forwarding unit to resolve. For example:
00000000001000100000100000100000 // add $1, $1, $2
00000000001000110000100000100000 // sub $1, $1, $3
00000000001001000000100000100000 // sub $1, $1, $4
00000000001001010000100000100000 // add $1, $1, $5
Use hazard detection unit to resolve. Stall the instruction after the load word lw
instruction for one clock cycle to wait the lw
instruction has finished the memory access stage. For example:
10001100010000010000000000001000 // lw $1, 8($2)
00000000001000110010000000100010 // sub $4, $1, $3
In this implementation, we will flush all signals in instruction decode stage when stall instead of simply set control signals to zero.
To reduce the punishment of branch, the processor determine whether to branch in the instruction decode stage. Always assume the branch will Not be taken. If branch, flush the latest instruction in the instruction fetch stage and stall the instruction after the branch instruction for one clock cycle. For example:
00010001001010010000000000000001 // beq $9, $9, 2
00000000001000100001100000100000 // add $3, $1, $2
00000000011001000010100000100010 // add $4, $6, $7
00000000011001000010100000100010 // sub $5, $3, $4
Always stall. For instance:
add $1, $2, $2
beq $9, $1, 4 # cannot get correct $1 for data hazard at ID stage --> stall 3 clock cycles
sub $6, $0, $0
lw $5, 3($4)
beq $9, $5, 4 # cannot get correct $5 for data hazard at ID stage --> stall 3 clock cycles
sub $6, $7, $8
sub $6, $0, $0
Simulate the simple MIPS pipeline. Including structural, data and control hazard detection. The implementation details are derived from Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface, Fifth Edition, Single cycle implementation.
add |
sub |
and |
or |
slt |
addi |
andi |
lw |
sw |
beq |
bne |
OP Code | 000000 |
000000 |
000000 |
000000 |
000000 |
001000 |
001100 |
100011 |
101011 |
000100 |
000101 |
Function Code | 100000 |
100010 |
100100 |
100101 |
101010 |
don't care | don't care | don't care | don't care | don't care | don't care |
ALU Operation | 10 |
10 |
10 |
10 |
10 |
00 |
11 |
00 |
00 |
01 |
01 |
ALU Control | 010 |
110 |
000 |
001 |
111 |
010 |
000 |
010 |
010 |
110 |
110 |
RegisterDestination |
AluOperation |
AluSource |
Branch |
MemoryRead |
MemoryWrite |
RegisterWrite |
MemoryToRegister |
NOP | 0 |
00 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
R Type | 1 |
10 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
Load Word | 0 |
00 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
Save Word | don't care (0 ) |
00 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
don't care (0 ) |
Branch On Equal | don't care (0 ) |
01 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
don't care (0 ) |
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