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Folders and files

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58 Commits

API 2001



2020 May

2020 May 25th

Started using the Git version control system

Started using Git repositories

Started using GitHub

2020 June

UNDATED SO FAR: Starting using Wikis, low style level

2020 June 3rd

Started using Git issues

2020 July

Data currently unavailable.

2020 August

Data currently unavailable.

2020 September

Started using GitHub organizations

2020 October

Data currently unavailable.

2020 November

Data currently unavailable.

2020 December

Data currently unavailable.


2021 January

Data currently unavailable.

2021 February

Data currently unavailable.

2021 March

Data currently unavailable.

2021 April

Data currently unavailable.

2021 May

Data currently unavailable.

2021 June

Data currently unavailable.

2021 July

Data currently unavailable.

2021 August

2021, August: Compliance with ISO:8601, support for more advanced .editorconfig file options, added support for .gitignore .gitattributes CREDITS COPYING INSTALL and files in all projects, all archives of files are placed in the /OldVersions/<fileType>/ directory (certain projects have them in /OLD/<fileType>/ - August 18th

2021, August (2): Added support for AUTHORS file - August 24th

2021 September

2021, September: New mega template, support for better fair use policies while copyright still exists, project wiki improvements, project wiki archive support: README of most recent change in front, old versions archived with their article named, followed by V# in a separate folder collection.

2021 October

Data currently unavailable.

2021 November

Data currently unavailable.

2021 December

2021, December: I have established a system for workflows. 2 workflows are mandatory in every project: super-lint and makefile. CodeQL-analysis is an optional must-have as well, but isn't available in all projects.

2021.12.24 - Citation.cff and CODEOWNERS files are now being added to projects.

2021.12.27 - @all-contributors is now a bot I use for projects.

I have a system for workflows now being established. I use them to test if my software is working correctly, and what needs to be fixed. I am still very new to this, and I am learning the process. It is unlikely I will master the entire system by myself. Currently, if a project has JavaScript functionality, I will include workflows for various JavaScript environments, such as Grunt, Gulp, Node, Webpack, Deno, and others. This way, I can test to make sure cross-platform compliant JavaScript source code is being made. The super linter is used as a catch-all to lint any/all programming languages present. The makefile workflow is for testing the makefile at the root of every modern repository, and also other makefiles that maybe included.

Also, RepoData is being added to any project I get to, as I can't get automation to work properly yet.


2022 January

Data currently unavailable.

2022 February

Data currently unavailable.

2022 March

Data currently unavailable.

2022 April

2022 April 12th: Beginning a new change, now using the linguist-language attribute alongside 2 other attributes in my gitattributes files.

It started with just the Tiny Tower image repo, but spreaded to where I needed it.

Example usage:

| *.e linguist-language=Eiffel

It is now planned to be used alongside every extension in my .gitattributes files, but I don't have the time yet to apply the change everywhere.

2022 May

API update: Issue templates and pull request templates









I am a bit fearful that these API sets may be changed by GitHub. I am especially worried about pull requests, as issues were redone in a new style, with no backwards compatibility, and pull requests seem like they may be next.

API update: Language code minor update (2022 May 28th)

The language code for English (USA) has been expanded from English (US) to distinguish from other countries that may have the same acronym, and to match the scope of other country codes (such as CAN (Canada) UK0 (United Kingdom) etc.) this currently only applies to new commits, and I am working on not using the 2 letter acronym. I may forget from time to time (similar to my switch to ISO 8601, where: (example) 01/02/1970 became 1970/01/02) this isn't as big of a change.

2022 June

Data coming soon.

2022 July

July 2nd: License files {

It is now normal to have more than 1 default language associated with a project via license files.


A GPL-licensed python project with C, Shell, and Ruby influences:


A GPL-licensed pyhon project with C, Shell, and Ruby influences:


This is a decorative action.


July 3rd: Gitconfig files {

.gitattributes_V#, .gitignore_V# and .editorconfig_V# are having their names reversed in the /OldVersions/ directory, regardless if they have been released or not.


/OldVersions/GITATTRIBUTES/.gitattributes_V1 /OldVersions/GITIGNORE/.gitignore_V1 /OldVersions/EDITORCONFIG/.editorconfig_V1


/OldVersions/GITATTRIBUTES/V1.gitattributes /OldVersions/GITIGNORE/V1.gitignore /OldVersions/EDITORCONFIG/V1.editorconfig


July 4th: ROOTFILES.base {

A new file is now being added to the root of each repository, titled /ROOTFILES.base the file is a list of all files at the root of a repository (folders are included, but to save time and space, only the name of the outermost folder is included, none of the sub-folders or files are included) this feature was inspired by a similar file at the root of the cowsay repository


2022 August

Data coming soon.

2022 September

Data coming soon.

2022 October

Data coming soon.

2022 November

Data coming soon.

2022 December

Data coming soon.

File info

File type: API Blueprint source file (.apib)

File version: 6 (2022, Monday, July 4th at 10:03 pm PST)

Line count (including blank lines and compiler line): 262

Blueprint language: English (USA)

Current issues

API details from 2020 May to June are incomplete

API details from 2020 July to 2022 April are not available yet.

API details for 2022 June are not available yet.