Docker image for JMeter in server mode running Minimal Alpine Linux or Ubuntu. Make sure to open port 1099. You also need the public ip (see environment variable 'IP' below).
On cli, execute the following:
$ docker run \
--detach \
--publish 1099:1099 \
--env IP=[IP] \
Dockerized JMeter - A Distributed Load Testing Workflow
This is a shell script that make use of Docker Machine to provision VM. Currently supported clouds are:
- Amazon
- DigitalOcean
TODO: check if specific plugins are needed jpgc-casutg, jpgc-dummy, jpgc-ffw, jpgc-fifo, jpgc-functions, jpgc-json, jpgc-perfmon, jpgc-prmctl, jpgc-tst.
docker build . --tag DC-WRK-M22.local:5000/hdqc/jmeter-slave docker push HDC-WRK-M22.local:5000/hdqc/jmeter-slave