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Release notes

ransfoil-x.x.tar.gz is a source package following open source standard
(not strict GNU standard) for developers or users who want to modify or 
build the program. is a binary package (built by cross
MinGW-w64) target Windows X64 platform (Windows 7, 8, 10 and 11, 64bit

A git repository is available at git://
since the commitment of version 1.4, which is identical to the contents in
the source package ransfoil-x.x.tar.gz. Now only the master branch is
advanced linearly. Since the version of 2.2.4, the git repository is moved
to GitHub ( and the repository at
SourceForge is removed.

More information can be found in the UserGuide.pdf file in 'doc' subdirectory.
Please report bugs or errors to For any comments or
suggestions, please also email or discuss in the
forum: Discussion.

Release of version 2.2


Added parametric spline function for generating grid line on airfoil from control
Added function of grid points distribution on the grid line.
Added a new preprocess workflow in which a control points file like Selig format
can be used as only input and describe the whole airfoil.
Added four new control parameters corresponding to the new preprocess workflow.
Updated the document `UserGuide.pdf'.

Release of version 2.1


Added a new source file `Turvis.f03' and deleted the old source file `Tanhline.f03'
in the `lib' directory.
Changed some greek variable names for standardization, optimized memory structure 
and reduced memory usage.
Changed the wall function to reckon in the parallel velocity.
Changed the source terms in the sst model to a new version, improved the boundary
layer results when using low Reynolds method.
Updated the document `UserGuide.pdf' and `UserGuide_CHS.pdf'.

Release of version 2.0


Added a new source file `Cell2node.f03' in the `lib' directory for better
Optimized memory structure using different variable declaration and reduced
memory usage.
Changed the interpolation scheme on cell interface from algebraic average
into weighted average which can adapt to bad mesh.
Updated the document `UserGuide.pdf' and `UserGuide_CHS.pdf'.

Release of version 1.8


Deleted control parameters concerning the relaxation factor for density
which is actually identical to the relaxation factor for pressure in this
Changed the Fortran-conventional expressions of double precision
floating-point constant (symbol `d' as exponent sign is changed back to `e')
in the source files and added two options for GNU Fortran complier.
Added some codes for limitation of field variables' value and improved the
stability and robustness of the iteration. Now the relaxation factors
can be set to a relatively large value at the beginning of iteration.
Added two sample files of airfoil coordinates `GA(W)' and `'
in subdirectory `case1' which can be used for testing.
Updated the document `UserGuide.pdf' and `UserGuide_CHS.pdf'.A new section
`Solver Guide' has been added.

Release of version 1.7


Optimized memory structure and reduced memory usage.
Changed the interface of `libaero2d' due to the optimization of memory usage.
Implemented OpenMP parallelization for linear solver in source file
Increased the number of nodes in sample file of airfoil coordinates.
Updated the document `UserGuide.pdf' and `UserGuide_CHS.pdf'.

Release of version 1.6


Added two control parameters to configure mesh distribution in normal
direction to the airfoil surface.
Changed the expressions of turbulent production term when the wall
adjacent cell is in log-law layer and the wall function method is
selected as the wall treatment approach.
The contents in original documentations `README' and `README_CHS' are
typeset and printed in two PDF files named `UserGuide.pdf' and
`UserGuide_CHS.pdf', respectively.
Added a new subdirectory `doc' to store PDF documentations.

Release of version 1.5


Changed the extension of all source files in `lib' directory from .f90 to
.f03, due to the introduction of Fortran 2003 standard.
Exposed more datasets in module `aero2dcom' to the developers who want to
use the API in shared library `libaero2d'.
Added a new calling mode in library `libaero2d' which can be called using
C language.
Added control parameters to configure the relaxation factors for velocity,
pressure, temperature, density and turbulence, separately.
Updated the document `README' and `README_CHS'.

Release of version 1.4


Changed the format of output file `Wallsol.dat' from row format to column
Added a new output file `GridSol.vtk' in legacy vtk format for
visualization packages which use VTK as visualization engine.
Changed the difference scheme of variable derivatives to a conservative form.
Added a new `TVD' discretization scheme for compressible airflow.
Updated the document `README' and `README_CHS'.

Release of version 1.3


Used C preprocessor for conditional compilation and removed one source file
`Libaero2dh.f90' in the `lib' directory.
Added two control parameters to configure the turbulence quantity in free
Added a non-file calling mode in shared library `libaero2d' and a new
source file `Postprocess.f90' in the `lib' directory.
Changed the interface of `libaero2d' for convenience of calling.
Updated the document `README', a new section `Library Usage' has been added.
Added a new document `README_CHS', which is a translation of `README',
written in Simplified Chinese.

Release of version 1.2


Changed the output file `Autosave.dat' to binary format.
Added a control parameter to configure whether initializing using the
stagnation values.
Used BoomerAMG solver in HYPRE library to solve all transport equations if
the package was compiled with HYPRE.
Used trapezoid rule to calculate numerical integration for obtaining
aerodynamic parameters.
Updated the document `README'.

Release of version 1.1


Fixed directory bugs on Linux platforms.
Changed the interface of shared library `libaero2d'.
Added report of pressure center in output file `Aeroreport.txt'.
Updated the document `README'.