Installs or uninstalls JD-GUI - a standalone graphical utility that displays Java sources from CLASS files. Creates or removes a wrapper to start the program from the shell.
- A recent version of Ansible. Tested on 2.9. It might work on previous versions.
- Fedora 31. It might work on other versions.
- Access to an archive of JD-GUI release. Either by URL to download or path to a file.
All variables which can be overridden are stored in defaults/main.yml file and listed in a table bellow as well.
Name | Default Value | Description |
jd_gui_archive_src |
"" | Path to a release archive of JD-GUI on a control host or URL to download the archive from. |
jd_gui_state |
present | By default installs the program. Set to "absent" to uninstall. |
must be overriden from its default value.
To install the program, define path to a JD-GUI release archive from the internet:
- hosts: all
- role: scrool.jd_gui
To uninstall, set state variable to "absent":
- hosts: all
- role: scrool.jd_gui
jd_gui_state: absent
This project is licensed under MIT License. See LICENSE for more details.
See JD-GUI home page for license information.