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I am a software developer, specializing mostly in web applications. Programming is both my job and hobby, but I'm also interested in natural languages, cyber-security, astronomy, math, and art.
const scriptin = {
name: 'Dmitry Shpika', // [DMEE-tree SHPEE-kah], IPA: /ˈdmitɾij ˈʂpika/
pronouns: ['he', 'him'],
education: [
{ specialty: 'Software Engineering',
type: EducationType.SELF_TAUGHT,
experience: '12+ years' },
{ specialty: 'IT Security',
type: EducationType.SPECIALIST_DEGREE,
experience: 'Occasional consulting and auditing' },
hardSkills: {
programming: ['TypeScript', 'JavaScript', 'Kotlin', 'SQL', 'Bash', 'Python'],
ui: ['React', 'Svelte', 'HTML', 'CSS', 'Tailwind', 'Bootstrap', 'Material UI', 'Figma'],
api: ['GraphQL', 'REST', 'SOAP', 'gRPC'],
buildTools: ['Vite', 'Webpack', 'Gradle'],
graphics: ['Canvas', 'WebGL', 'Processing', 'p5.js', 'SVG'],
testing: ['TDD/BDD', 'Unit testing', 'E2E testing'],
ci: ['Docker', 'GitHub Actions', 'GitLab CI'],
other: ['Web Scraping', 'XML Parsing', 'AI APIs'],
_outdated: ['PHP', 'Java', 'jQuery', 'AngularJS'], // In the past
softSkills: {
teaching: `I like to explain complex topics in simple terms.
Had some mentoring experience. Love doing code reviews.`,
learning: `Focusing on foreign languages (Spanish, German).
High-performance 2D graphics in WebGL.`,
design: `Creating UIs using component libraries/frameworks,
or from scratch in pure HTML/CSS or in Figma.`,
writing: `Written 130+ answers on Stack Exchange,
maybe 5-7 articles, dozens of readmes,
countless Jira tickets,
a few short novels and poems`,
hobbies: ['Programming', 'Languages', 'Astronomy', 'Math', 'Art'],
} satisfies SoftwareEngineer;
Check out my pinned repos 👇