This scm plugin extends the scm-base, and provides methods to fetch and update data in Gitlab.
npm install screwdriver-scm-gitlab
The class has a variety of knobs to tweak when interacting with GitLab.
Parameter | Type | Description |
config | Object | Configuration Object |
config.gitlabHost ( | String | GitLab hostname/port |
config.gitlabProtocol (https) | String | The protocol to use: http or https |
config.username (sd-buildbot) | String | GitLab username for checkout | ( | String | GitLab user email for checkout |
config.https (false) | Boolean | Is the Screwdriver API running over HTTPS |
config.oauthClientId | String | OAuth Client ID provided by GitLab application |
config.oauthClientSecret | String | OAuth Client Secret provided by GitLab application |
config.readOnly ({}) | Object | Config with readOnly info: enabled, username, accessToken, cloneType |
config.fusebox ({}) | Object | Circuit Breaker configuration |
const scm = new GitlabScm({
oauthClientId: 'abcdef',
oauthClientSecret: 'hijklm',
gitlabHost: ''
No parameters are required.
A single element array of ScmContext (ex: ['']
(default), ['']
), which will be a unique identifier for the scm.
For more information on the exposed methods please see the scm-base class.
npm test
Code licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license. See LICENSE file for terms.