In early 2018 I started to convert a Ford Transit Custom (SWB) into a campervan. All electronics are controlled by a teensy 3.2. This repo maintains the code and circuit diagram used.
- 3x Siegfar SF42049, 3watts, pwm dimmable, DC12V
- 2x SK6812 RGBWW LED strip, 60Leds/m, IP65, DC5V
- 1x CC2540 CC2541 HM-10 BLE Bluetooth 4.0 Serial Modul AIP (from ebay)
- 1x TMP36 Temperatur sensor
- 6x Metal Push buttons, high head (from AliExpress)
- 7x 220ohm resistor
- 3x IRF3708 LogicLevel Mosfet
- get second strip to work
- implement way to synchronize strip effects
- process inputs with parameters from serial / ble
- helper function for inputs
- store values in eeprom
- get more effects ready
- rewrite using fastled instead of neopixel lib
- effects class?
- effects state machine?
- rework layout on PermaProto
- make it a real pcb?