Open-source application for finding parking spots in the city.
Finding the best parking spot in the city has never been this easy!
We were tired of driving around the city to find good parking.
This app was designed to help drivers and the city update parking spot availability in real time.
- Create User Accounts
- Login users -- Update Profile
- Find Available Parking
Include logo/demo screenshot etc.
- React & React Hooks Used React w/ Hooks bc...
- Bootstrap We used Bootstrap to build a fast CSS framework. It contains CSS and JavaScript-based design templates for the needs in our app.
- Webpack Given the complexity of our front-end and back-end, we used Webpack to bundle our JavaScript files for usage in a browser
- Node & Express Used Node & Express to route different async requests to render html page, input/update user info & parking spot info in the database.
- PostgreSQL & ElephantSQL
Hosted our relational database in ElephantSQL because the entities in our DB have predefined relationships and can be organized as a set of tables and columns.
- Fork this repo
- Clone to local repo
- Install dependencies
npm install
- Build the app
npm run build
- Start an instance of server/ Run Express
npm start
- Start an instance of Client Server
npm run dev
- Open browser and navigate to localhost at specified port
CREATE TABLE "Users" ( "id" serial NOT NULL, "first_name" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, "last_name" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, "email" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, "password" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, "id_role" integer NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT "Users_pk" PRIMARY KEY ("id") ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE );
CREATE TABLE "Roles" ( "id" serial NOT NULL, "name" serial(255) NOT NULL, "description" serial(255) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT "Roles_pk" PRIMARY KEY ("id") ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE );
CREATE TABLE "ParkingSpace" ( "id" serial NOT NULL, "status" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, "id_user" integer, "expired_time" DATETIME NOT NULL, "locationid" integer NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT "ParkingSpace_pk" PRIMARY KEY ("id") ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE );
CREATE TABLE "Locations" ( "id" integer NOT NULL ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE );
ALTER TABLE "Users" ADD CONSTRAINT "Users_fk0" FOREIGN KEY ("id_role") REFERENCES "Roles"("id");
ALTER TABLE "ParkingSpace" ADD CONSTRAINT "ParkingSpace_fk0" FOREIGN KEY ("id_user") REFERENCES "Users"("id");
Authors Version 0.1.0: Nachiket Pingle @Nachiket Pingle Jono Calvo @Jono Calvo Mo Hmaidi @Mo Hmaidi Dylan Bury @Dylan Bury