A MQTT connector for devices, sensors and programms mostly used in camper vans. With support for Home Assistant.
- echo "dtoverlay=gpio-no-irq" >> "/boot/config.txt"
Run the install script:
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/schroeder-robert/vantelligence_connector/develop/install.sh | sudo bash
Choose on of the config files in the
folder and rename it toconfig.yaml
.Alternatively you can build your own config from the blocks from
Supported devices/sensors/programs
if you use a custom setup. -
Restart & you're ready
After successfull start you will see some new topics in yout MQTT broker.
Your configuration will be published in this topic:
All entities and their states will be published here:
You can add this config blocks to your config.yaml
to activate MQTT publishing to your broker.
Every device has at least an id
and a name
which you can define. That way ist is possible to read two oder more sensors of the same type.
A simple and very common temperature sensor. You can define the polling interval. It is connected by 1-wire bus, so make sure that it is activated. (Raspberry Pi: raspi-config
- name: Temperaturesensor
id: temperaturesensor
class: DS18B20
interval: 20000
A 4-channel 16bit analog to digital converter. It is connected by I2C bus. You can define the polling interval and the channels.
- name: Analogsensor
id: analogsensor
class: ADS1115
interval: 3000
type: i2c
bus: 1
address: 0x48
- name: A0
measure: 0+GND
min: 0
max: 65535
scale: 100
unit: "%"
- name: A1
measure: 1+GND
min: 0
max: 65535
scale: 100
unit: "%"
- name: A2
measure: 2+GND
min: 0
max: 65535
scale: 100
unit: "%"
- name: A3
measure: 3+GND
min: 0
max: 65535
scale: 100
unit: "%"
A 16bit I/O Expander. It is connected by I2C bus.
- name: I/O Expander
id: ioexpander
class: MCP23017
type: i2c
bus: 1
address: 0x20
- name: Input0
id: 0
type: in
inverted: true
- name: Input1
id: 1
type: in
inverted: true
- name: Input2
id: 2
type: in
inverted: true
- name: Input3
id: 3
type: in
inverted: true
- name: Input4
id: 4
type: in
inverted: true
- name: Input5
id: 5
type: in
inverted: true
- name: Input6
id: 6
type: in
inverted: true
- name: Input7
id: 7
type: in
inverted: true
- name: Output0
id: 8
type: out
- name: Output1
id: 9
type: out
- name: Output2
id: 10
type: out
- name: Output3
id: 11
type: out
- name: Output4
id: 12
type: out
- name: Output5
id: 13
type: out
- name: Output6
id: 14
type: out
- name: Output7
id: 15
type: out
A six axis gyro, accelerometer and thermometer. It is connected by I2C bus.
- name: Motion Sensor
id: motionsensor
class: MPU_6050
type: i2c
bus: 1
address: 0x68
A 16-channel 12bit PWM servo driver. It is connected by I2C bus.
- name: PWM-Controller
id: pwmcontroller
class: PCA9685
type: i2c
bus: 1
address: 0x40
- name: Licht Schiebetür links
id: 0
type: light
- name: Licht Laderaum
id: 1
type: light
- name: Licht Schiebetür rechts
id: 2
type: light
- name: Licht Dachluke
id: 3
type: light
- name: Licht5
id: 4
type: light
- name: Schubladenverrieglung
id: 14
min: 400
max: 2600
scale: 180
- name: Kühlschrankverrieglung
id: 15
min: 400
max: 2600
scale: 180
A light sensor. It is connected by I2C bus.
- name: Light Sensor
id: lightsensor
class: BH1750
type: i2c
bus: 1
address: 0x23
A battery-to-battery charger which can handle 30A. It is connected by a serial interface.
- name: B2B-Laderegler
id: b2b_laderegler
class: Votronic_VCC_1212
type: serial
port: "/dev/ttyUSBCharger"
A solar charger. It is connected by serial interface.
- name: Solar-Laderegler
id: solar_laderegler
class: Ective_DSC
type: serial
port: "/dev/ttyUSBSolar"
A 230V inverter. It is connected by GPIO pins which control power (on/off) and mode (usp/eco) and read status data.
- name: Wechselrichter
id: wechselrichter
class: Ective_CSI
type: pins
power_pin: 13
mode_pin: 19
data_pin: 26
A 2 kW diesel heater. It is connected by serial interface.
- name: Dieselheizung
id: dieselheizung
class: Autoterm_Air_2D
temperature_current: connector/device/luftsensor/temperature/state
type: serial
port: "/dev/ttyUSBHeater"
Use GPIO pins of a Raspberry Pi as input, output or pwm as swi.
- name: GPIO
id: gpio
class: GPIO
- name: Dashcam
type: out
id: 24
inverted: true
- name: Wasserpumpe
type: out
id: 31
inverted: true
- name: Kühlschrank
type: out
id: 36
inverted: true
- name: B2B Laderegler
type: out
id: 38
inverted: true
- name: Soundsystem
type: out
id: 22
inverted: true
- name: Relais 1
type: out
id: 26
inverted: true
- name: Abwasserventil zu
type: out
id: 16
inverted: true
- name: Abwasserventil auf
type: out
id: 28
inverted: true
- name: Wasserboiler
type: out
id: 8
inverted: true
- name: 'Kochstelle'
type: out
id: 10
inverted: true
- name: Schalter Dachluke
type: in
id: 7
pull: up
inverted: true
- name: Haupttaster
type: in
id: 40
pull: up
inverted: true
Control volume and select sink from Pulse Audio.
- name: Soundsystem
id: sound
class: Pulseaudio
- name: Main
id: Master
ExecStart=/usr/bin/node /home/rob/connector/app.js