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Home Assistant Add-on: Vantelligence Connector

A MQTT connector for devices, sensors and programms mostly used in camper vans. With support for Home Assistant.

Supports aarch64 Architecture Supports amd64 Architecture Supports armhf Architecture Supports armv7 Architecture Supports i386 Architecture

Needs refactoring:


  • echo "dtoverlay=gpio-no-irq" >> "/boot/config.txt"


  1. Run the install script:

     curl -o- | sudo bash
  2. Choose on of the config files in the connector/config folder and rename it to config.yaml.

    Alternatively you can build your own config from the blocks from Supported devices/sensors/programs if you use a custom setup.

  3. Restart & you're ready


After successfull start you will see some new topics in yout MQTT broker.

Your configuration will be published in this topic:


All entities and their states will be published here:


Supported devices/sensors/programs

You can add this config blocks to your config.yaml to activate MQTT publishing to your broker. Every device has at least an id and a name which you can define. That way ist is possible to read two oder more sensors of the same type.

DS18B20 Temperature Sensor

A simple and very common temperature sensor. You can define the polling interval. It is connected by 1-wire bus, so make sure that it is activated. (Raspberry Pi: raspi-config)

- name: Temperaturesensor
  id: temperaturesensor
  class: DS18B20
  interval: 20000


A 4-channel 16bit analog to digital converter. It is connected by I2C bus. You can define the polling interval and the channels.

- name: Analogsensor
  id: analogsensor
  class: ADS1115
  interval: 3000
    type: i2c
    bus: 1
    address: 0x48
  - name: A0
    measure: 0+GND
    min: 0
    max: 65535
    scale: 100
    unit: "%"
  - name: A1
    measure: 1+GND
    min: 0
    max: 65535
    scale: 100
    unit: "%"
  - name: A2
    measure: 2+GND
    min: 0
    max: 65535
    scale: 100
    unit: "%"
  - name: A3
    measure: 3+GND
    min: 0
    max: 65535
    scale: 100
    unit: "%"

MCP23017 I/O Expander

A 16bit I/O Expander. It is connected by I2C bus.

- name: I/O Expander
  id: ioexpander
  class: MCP23017
    type: i2c
    bus: 1
    address: 0x20
  - name: Input0
    id: 0
    type: in
    inverted: true
  - name: Input1
    id: 1
    type: in
    inverted: true
  - name: Input2
    id: 2
    type: in
    inverted: true
  - name: Input3
    id: 3
    type: in
    inverted: true
  - name: Input4
    id: 4
    type: in
    inverted: true
  - name: Input5
    id: 5
    type: in
    inverted: true
  - name: Input6
    id: 6
    type: in
    inverted: true
  - name: Input7
    id: 7
    type: in
    inverted: true
  - name: Output0
    id: 8
    type: out
  - name: Output1
    id: 9
    type: out
  - name: Output2
    id: 10
    type: out
  - name: Output3
    id: 11
    type: out
  - name: Output4
    id: 12
    type: out
  - name: Output5
    id: 13
    type: out
  - name: Output6
    id: 14
    type: out
  - name: Output7
    id: 15
    type: out

MPU 6050 Motion Sensor

A six axis gyro, accelerometer and thermometer. It is connected by I2C bus.

- name: Motion Sensor
  id: motionsensor
  class: MPU_6050
    type: i2c
    bus: 1
    address: 0x68

PCA9685 PWM Driver

A 16-channel 12bit PWM servo driver. It is connected by I2C bus.

- name: PWM-Controller
  id: pwmcontroller
  class: PCA9685
    type: i2c
    bus: 1
    address: 0x40
  - name: Licht Schiebetür links
    id: 0
    type: light
  - name: Licht Laderaum
    id: 1
    type: light
  - name: Licht Schiebetür rechts
    id: 2
    type: light
  - name: Licht Dachluke
    id: 3
    type: light
  - name: Licht5
    id: 4
    type: light
  - name: Schubladenverrieglung
    id: 14
    min: 400
    max: 2600
    scale: 180
  - name: Kühlschrankverrieglung
    id: 15
    min: 400
    max: 2600
    scale: 180

BH1750 Light Sensor

A light sensor. It is connected by I2C bus.

- name: Light Sensor
  id: lightsensor
  class: BH1750
    type: i2c
    bus: 1
    address: 0x23

Votronic VCC 1212-30

A battery-to-battery charger which can handle 30A. It is connected by a serial interface.

- name: B2B-Laderegler
  id: b2b_laderegler
  class: Votronic_VCC_1212
  type: serial
  port: "/dev/ttyUSBCharger"

Ective DSC

A solar charger. It is connected by serial interface.

- name: Solar-Laderegler
  id: solar_laderegler
  class: Ective_DSC
  type: serial
  port: "/dev/ttyUSBSolar"

Ective CSI (GPIO)

A 230V inverter. It is connected by GPIO pins which control power (on/off) and mode (usp/eco) and read status data.

- name: Wechselrichter
  id: wechselrichter
  class: Ective_CSI
  type: pins
  power_pin: 13
  mode_pin: 19
  data_pin: 26

Autoterm Air 2D

A 2 kW diesel heater. It is connected by serial interface.

- name: Dieselheizung
  id: dieselheizung
  class: Autoterm_Air_2D
  temperature_current: connector/device/luftsensor/temperature/state
  type: serial
  port: "/dev/ttyUSBHeater"

Raspberry Pi GPIO

Use GPIO pins of a Raspberry Pi as input, output or pwm as swi.

- name: GPIO
  id: gpio
  class: GPIO
  - name: Dashcam
    type: out
    id: 24
    inverted: true
  - name: Wasserpumpe
    type: out
    id: 31
    inverted: true
  - name: Kühlschrank
    type: out
    id: 36
    inverted: true
  - name: B2B Laderegler
    type: out
    id: 38
    inverted: true
  - name: Soundsystem
    type: out
    id: 22
    inverted: true
  - name: Relais 1
    type: out
    id: 26
    inverted: true
  - name: Abwasserventil zu
    type: out
    id: 16
    inverted: true
  - name: Abwasserventil auf
    type: out
    id: 28
    inverted: true
  - name: Wasserboiler
    type: out
    id: 8
    inverted: true
  - name: 'Kochstelle'
    type: out
    id: 10
    inverted: true
  - name: Schalter Dachluke
    type: in
    id: 7
    pull: up
    inverted: true
  - name: Haupttaster
    type: in
    id: 40
    pull: up
    inverted: true


Control volume and select sink from Pulse Audio.

- name: Soundsystem
  id: sound
  class: Pulseaudio
  - name: Main
    id: Master



ExecStart=/usr/bin/node /home/rob/connector/app.js



A MQTT connector for devices in your camper!







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