Feed in snort events, get pcaps out
Call write_pcap with the following arguments:
- packets; see data structure below
- fpath; file path, must not already exist
- snaplen=123; max length of captured packets, in octets (see libpcap file format)
- linktype=1; since dummy MACs have been hard coded, probably best to leave this alone
list = [packet_1, packet_2, ... packet_n]
packet_n = (snort_packet_descriptor, packet_data)
snort_packet_descriptor = {
"sensor_id": 123, # number
"event_id": 234, # number
"packet_second": 345, # number
"packet_microsecond": 456, # number
"linktype": 7, # number
"packet_length": 890, # number
"packet_data": "AAAAb==" # base64 string
packet_data = "AAAAb==" # base64 string
Result will be a file at fpath containing all the packets in the order they were provided.
If you have multiple events and want them in separate files, make a list for each event and call write_pcap() for each list.