This project is a robust surveillance system utilizing two Reolink cameras connected to an NVIDIA Jetson Nano. It features a Flask API and storage on an external NAS to save images. System control and monitoring are achieved through a Telegram bot, and an additional Jetson Xavier runs a custom-trained object detection model using a Flask Detection API with TensorRT engine for YOLO models.
- Hardware
- NVIDIA Jetson Nano
- NVIDIA Jetson Xavier
- Two Reolink cameras
- External NAS for storage
- Software
- Backend + Flask API for camera control and image storage
- Telegram Bot for remote system control
- Backend + Flask Detection API running on Jetson Xavier for person detection using YOLO
Wire the hardware components according to the architecture diagram. The software components are divided into two parts: the Jetson Nano and the Jetson Xavier.
- Environment Setup
- Ensure you have Python 3.8 or higher installed
- Create an virtual environment and activate it
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
- Install the required packages
- {} is either nano or xavier
pip install -r requirements_{}.txt
- Configuration
- Create a new Telegram bot and get the API token
- Change the .env example into .env and fill in the required information
- TELEGRAM: Telegram API token
- TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID: Chat ID for the bot
- Setup the Reolink cameras with username, password and static ip
- Change the reolink_credentials_example.json into reolink_credentials.json and fill in the required information
- Username, Password, IP-address
- Running the system
- Run the Flask API
python -m src.api.api
- Configuration
- Train a custom Yolov7 model or use an existing one
- Clone the following repos inside the detecion folder
- TensorRTX:
- Yolov7:
- Convert the trained model using the TensorRTX repo and save it in an directory called 'files'
- Running the system
- Run the Flask Detection API
python -m src.detection.detection_api
- Camera Control: Use Telegram commands to start/stop capturing, arm/disarm the cameras, and set the image capture interval.
- Monitoring: Check system status, disk space, and get latest images through the Telegram bot.
- Object Detection: Send images to the detection API running on Xavier to detect persons in real-time.
Flask API on Jetson Nano
- /start: Start image capturing.
- /stop: Stop image capturing.
- /status: Get system status.
- /set_interval: Set image capture interval.
- /get_image: Fetch latest captured images.
- /disk_space: Check disk space usage.
- /arm: Arm the system.
- /disarm: Disarm the system.
- /get_current_images: Get the latest images.
Object Detection API on Jetson Xavier
- /detect: Endpoint to upload images for object detection.