Allows you to interact with blizzard cdn through cli.
Useful for ci/cd workflows dependent on client binaries.
- wow_retail
- wow_classic
- wow_classic_era
- anything else just implement the enum entry...
Some keywords: TACT, CDN, BLTE, Install Manifest, Download Manifest, CE Table, EncodingKey, ContentKey
Usage: blizztools <COMMAND>
version Versions command to query tact for a product version
cdn Cdn command to query tact for cdns available for a product
download Command that will download a selected file from a version's install
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
check the version of which ever product your downloading
cargo run version wow-classic
INFO blizztools: [
VersionDefinition {
region: "us",
build_config: 268a7d2d4bd28cad7c3779a1f5d0a11d,
cdn_config: cf4afeeb86e392e4623f7969c89243f2,
key_ring: None,
build_id: "52237",
version_name: "",
product_config: fac7680539cd51bc0a791a88ade3da21,
download which ever product you want
cargo run download wow-classic ./output
INFO blizztools: latest version:
INFO blizztools: output dir: "./output/wow_classic/"
INFO blizztools: selected cdn:
INFO blizztools: beginning download of WowClassic.exe
INFO blizztools: successfully downloaded WowClassic.exe size: 49479816
INFO blizztools: beginning download of WowClassic-arm64.exe
INFO blizztools: successfully downloaded WowClassic-arm64.exe size: 42883208
the binaries will be downloaded into your target output directory under {product}/{version} hierarchy
├── wow
│ ├──
│ │ ├── Wow-ARM64.exe
│ │ └── Wow.exe
│ └──
│ ├── Wow-ARM64.exe
│ └── Wow.exe
├── wow_classic
│ └──
│ ├── WowClassic-arm64.exe
│ └── WowClassic.exe
└── wow_classic_era
├── WowClassic-arm64.exe
└── WowClassic.exe
8 directories, 8 files