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Sickle Cell Disease Ontology

SCDO Website

License: CC BY 4.0

Stable release versions

The latest English only version of the SCDO can always be found at:

The latest English Layperson version (relevant terms have layperson labels and definitions) can always be found at:

The current French version (terms have English and French labels and definitions) can be downloaded: from the SCDO Website HERE

Release notes

Main/English SCDO (scdo.owl) Release Notes

English Layperson SCDO (scdo_en_lp.owl) Release Notes

French SCDO (scdo_fr-t-en.owl) Release Notes

Editors' version

Editors of this ontology should use the edit version, src/ontology/scdo-edit.owl


Please use this GitHub repository's Issue tracker to request new terms/classes or report errors or specific concerns related to the ontology.


The Sickle Cell Disease Ontology (SCDO) project was originally a collaboration between H3ABioNet (Pan African Bioinformatics Network) and SPAN (Sickle Cell Disease Pan African Network), but is now maintained and extended by the Sickle Africa Data Coordinating Centre (SADaCC), with contributions from members of the SickleInAfrica Consortium's SCDO Working Group.

This ontology repository was created using the ontology starter kit