Host web content of EEGLAB wiki. Live page:
- Contents of Workshops and Tutorials pages are stored in the workshops and tutorials folders respectively. Use Github markdown to edit and style page content.
- Images are stored in assets/images. To link an uploaded image in the page, use path "/assets/images/<image_filename>"
- PDFs and zip files are stored in<file_name>. These files will be uploaded manually by @dungscout96 for now. In the future we will create a mechanism for users to upload files to sccn server themselves.
- On the Workshops pages, if there's any broken image or file link, it's very likely that the naming of the file is wrong. For some reason file names were capitalized weirdly when exporting from Mediawiki. Check to see if the file exists in either assets/images or and fix filename first before uploading a new file.
- It usually takes few minutes for a pushed commit to go live. See instructions below if you want to set up Jekyll and quickly load changes locally on your laptop.
- Install Jekyll following the instruction: (See here for mac)
- Clone the repository:
git clone; cd
- Run
bundle install
to download theme and its dependencies - Run
bundle add webrick
- Run
bundle exec jekyll serve
and the site should be live at http://localhost:4000/