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- Modal
- Responsive
- Dynamic Buttons
- Dynamic content - Ajax, Iframe, or template
- First input focus
- Dynamic positioning
- Escape to close
- Multiple / nested popups and open stack handling
- Dynamic overlay background color and opacity
- Simple to use
- IE7+ compatibility
- Extreme Lightweight (just ~5kb compressed)
var MyPopup = new Popelt({ title: 'Pop some cash', content: ''Hey wasup! This is my content.' }).show();
Method name | Parameters | Description |
addButton | label [,class] [,clickEvent] |
**label** - Name on button
Setting | Values | Default | Description |
modal | boolean | false | **true** or **false** |
title | text | _Not displayed if empty_ | |
content | string / html | Popup body content.
[ { label: 'Save changes', classname: 'primary', clickEvent: function(){alert('Saving changes');} }, { label: 'Close'} ]
- jQuery 1.9.1 or above
- IFrame dynamic height - Auto content height
- Forms - Built in form submitting from popup
Download: Minified(5kb) Source
Develped by Elton Jain / @eltonjain