Lock-Talk version 1.9 stable for Linux
The latest stable version of Lock Talk for Windows-10. Console customization is supported, a debug mode has been added that allows you to track the initialization stages, code readability has been improved, documentation has been changed, the names of the initialization files have been changed for specificity and normal operation, which was not in version 1.2. Usage remains the same, only now it is much more convenient and stable. First, start the server, and when it is waiting for the client, start the client and connect to it (read the documentation). The server and its initialization files must be in the same environment, the same applies to the client and its initialization files. The client and server themselves can be located anywhere, since they have the ability to exchange files and connect to each other, you only need to know the host and ports. Version 1.9 is the last one and there will be no further support for it, since the project is complete and there is nothing more to add. A version for Windows 10 was added, with a modified code, since customization may not be supported there.